Here's a nugget of useless information for o8ers

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
it shutdown almost exactly two years and a month ago. The first time round atleast.. (I think, atleast, do you have a record of the date mark?)


  • *sniff sniff* meeeeemmooorrriiiieeeeeessss.....
  • You guys talk about o8 a lot. What was so great about it?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Don't ask me. I shut it down.
  • heh. well i was looking through my old old phone this weekend and i found a text from when it shut. You must admit it was a great place if you didnt have all the hassle of running it and taking everyones shit, mark.
  • image

    Monday 15th September 2003, when it dieded for the last time
  • Speaking as someone who never used forums much.
    What was o8? and why is it regarded so fondly?
  • It was a messageboard mark used to run after dreamless shutdown containing the 08 - meaningless and shallow topic from dreamless. Some people hated it, some people fucked it up, the rest (myself included) enjoyed our time there. It was always a useful way to waste time and was generally full of nice (helpful) people. Like this place but less focussed on support and more on random shit. And private.
  • I'm too lazy to search too... :D
  • it was a way of life. I still have my o8 beanie
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Me too :) THX 2 HONEYG
  • i never got one. someone make one!
  • you missed out.

  • wow has it been that long? Seems like only yesterday. *cue music*
  • i remember trying to get an o8 tshirt project running but noone could be bothered. We should make one for old times sake. Or a lussumo one...rape those threadless fuckers at their own game.
  • here's a blast from the past. heh.

  • wasn't o8 transferring something like 10 gigs of text a week at one point?
  • jesus. that is a lot of text! I wish I was there for o8.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    deel - yes, the busiest we ever got was appx 30 gigs of transfer in one day.... and the server barely slowed down at all. Gotta love streamlined software like that :)
  • I can believe it with the amount the threads used to jump around. That is a real heap of text tho.
  • I still have this from a secret santa thing


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