there's an emacs vs. vi battle going on at work lately. there was a vi quick reference sheet in the break room, and i think the emacs camp has replaced it with the emacs quick reference.
Thanks Nath, and I don't mind the plethora of functions, maybe there are some things I didn't even know I needed. Corporate websites are pretty unpredictable sometimes, you never know what is going down.
Mini, I'll definedly check the phpcoin, thanks for the heads up.
It would be smart to have a dedicated thread for CMS talk since there seems to be so many of them, and everyone has an opinion about them. The hard thing is that when I started designing the company site, I was utterly unaware that there were such things as Drupal, and Typo3, both seem to be very popular and extremely flexible.
Only thing I have against drupal is that as a noobie, I'm just so lost, I can't seem to figure out how the hell is that thing used. But I'm fast learner and I have used some pretty complex programs (like 3d modelling is easy or something) so I think I can figure it out.
Textpattern probably warrants a close look due to a massive improvement in its architecture and feature set. An install takes minutes and you're up and running pretty damn quick. Making changes is very simple and it's all CSS and compliant code out of the box.
I love how wordpress uses themes, and the fact that WP wiki is prettumuch the best resource site ever created just makes it that much better and easier.
mod x for a general cms
vanilla or phpbb for a forum
pmwiki for a wiki
do the net a favor and take your blog offline. no one cares about your cat or ajax as much as you would hope.
Just lately, I have come across a nice little FreeWare editor called ConTEXT that's pretty slick and about as configurable as Ultra-Edit :
the question asked for alternatives, so i provided the board we were talking about and an alternative.
i stand by my comment on blogs.
hmm, i use ultra-edit everyday. i'll take a look at context.
aloha, is that mod x CMS any good? I tried Typo3 which was as easy to use as figuring out how to clone a human being, and this Drupal ain't that easy either, maybe it is that I have got used to configuring WP.
Drupal has a hugely different interface compaired with most other cms'. This is because the admin and general functions are not seperated. Once you use Drupal for a few days, you will see how intuitive it actaully is. I can't go without some of the features it offers.
I could set Drupal up in my sleep (but I don't sleep. sleep is for the weak), so if you need a hand or any pointers, let me know.
it's fun working with nerds.