but how do i get my nice debian server to the point where i can do a ruby and think 'woah, this was worth the effort'
For that matter, how do i get my nice windows server to the same position. I ran through the installer which flashed and jiggled a lot but doesnt really seem to have achieved much.
I'm actually questioning the same thing with mini here, I have studied scripting exclusively, I tried C and Java in school, but since I realized that scripting is the smart mans move, I moved to there, the RoR solution of one hundred files created on the fly for your "convinient" program doesn't just seem that "easy", compared to down dirty hand coded PHP or anything for that matter.
Because in PHP you ultimately end up with spagetti code. Once you understand what those different files do, it because very simple to manuever around where you need.
Its important because it keeps your program structed. You are better off in the long run (and the short run because ultimately you are developing much faster in Rails).
Because in PHP you ultimately end up with spagetti code. Once you understand what those different files do, it because very simple to manuever around where you need.
Its important because it keeps your program structed. You are better off in the long run (and the short run because ultimately you are developing much faster in Rails).