Alternatives to FCKeditor
I tried installing FCKeditor in my vanilla forum, but it doesn't work and I can't figure out why. I don't have the expertise to troubleshoot it, so does somebody have a reliable alternative to FCKeditor? I don't need all the fancy options like video embedding or layouts, I just need some easy-to-use tools for making smileys, hyperlinks, and pictures. I don't need image uploading capabilities or anything fancy like that.
Look at the DPlayer add-on, it does a similar thing, it adds two lines of code (or maybe just one) then the associated script does the rest.
I don't have time to do this now, I'm on a Vista machine with no familiar tools! :-(
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">bkLib.onDomLoaded(nicEditors.allTextAreas);</script>
The script itself worked (Nugget is brilliant) as did the formatter but nothing previewed and submitting the comment returned an error saying there was nothing in the comments box.
As I suspected, there's more to this project than simply adding the JavaScripts.
Did you link to the javascript files on their server or did you download and install locally?
As I said above, I got it to work but it posted "empty"...
I have not yet released it.
Doesn't look like it's being actively maintained any more... beta test for TiGR instead!
Igor - your TiniMCE plugin is superb :-)
I also wante you to look for use, so by default user will see simple text entry field, but as soon as control will get focus, all scripts will load. Can be useful for large sites that have 95% of visitors just viewing pages.
Any chance for you to look at SWD Markdown editor (one used by StackOverflow)?
Having option to use Markdown as main formatter seems to be interesting.
There are other markdown editors out there, btw.
As for Minify - delayed loading for reply field is, in fact, much more effective, as most peopl enever write anything.
Minify is quite stupid plugin, in fact. That is not very effective for actual optimization.
It combines js and css into minified files and replaces all references in header.
So, for many views you have absolutely different JS and CSS files with only difference being small CSS or JS file that is now included.
Automatic Minifier is completely wrong approach for most forums, except for very small ones.
Most optimization must be done by hand (as this is really one time change that could be used in all other installations). All else could be done by static based plugin with some intelligence in it.
Not fun.
Try to read that I wrote and think about it.
I know that you want to show how cool you are, but looking at this is just sad.