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Vanilla 2 Installation Error



  • @biggig,

    Just remove your vanilla directory from htdocs. start again. It will work.
  • DavyBDavyB New
    edited September 2010
    typolicious - It looks like it is failing to include your plugins.

    It would really be a lot more helpful if these bugs would be submitted to our issue tracker instead of this forum. We're going through the issues on github every day, and it really helps to have all this stuff in one place:
    @mark @lincoln that link seems broken

    Should it not be
  • @DavyB Yes, it has changed since that was posted. Edited post.
  • I am having an installation problem as well. When I upload and then go to that folder on my server, it is just a blank page. I am running the newest version of cpanel and php and apache.

    But, when I upload it to my localhost using WAMP, it runs and installs just fine. PLEASE HELP!? Any ideas? I have tried permissions, but only get a 500 internal error, then once changed back - back to blank page.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2010
    @knoxlogic What does "I have tried permissions" mean? It does indeed sound like a permission error. Are you sure Apache has read/execute permission to the folder?
  • Yes, right now everything is default permissions. (755), I have read to change the /config file to (777 - full permission) but still doesn't do anything, just blank. If I change everything to (777 - full permission), I receive a 500 Internal Server Error when navigating to the page.

    Hope this helps?
  • i have the same error with pdo_mysql ,even the pdo driver's are enabled. recording to my phpinfo() here :

    but still i have this error :
    Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in /home/XXXX/public_html/mk/conf/config-defaults.php on line 16

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Ah, some older installs don't have the PDO constants even though they still have PDO. Here's the fix.
  • @Todd ,i don't have this error anymore ,but now there is a fatal error in SetupController.FetchViewLocation();

    it says : Could not find a 'configure' view for the 'setup' controller in the 'dashboard' application.
    The error occurred on or near: /home/web4kurd/public_html/mk/library/core/class.controller.php :

    701: $this->_ViewLocations[$LocationName] = $ViewPath; 702: } 703: // echo '<div>['.$LocationName.'] RETURNS ['.$ViewPath.']</div>'; 704: if ($ViewPath === FALSE && $ThrowError) 705: trigger_error(ErrorMessage("Could not find a '$View' view for the '$ControllerName' controller in the '$ApplicationFolder' application.", $this->ClassName, 'FetchViewLocation'), E_USER_ERROR); 706: 707: return $ViewPath; 708: } 709:

    what to do ?

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Check to see if you have the file:
  • @Todd ,yes i have it.
    where the problem/bug should be then? or what to do now?

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    You've got something screwy setup with your server. I mean is that file readable by the server?
  • edited June 2011
    I think my d**n server needs to be changed :) ,thank you @Todd.
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