Rss feed url?
Hi people,
I want to show the recent posts/discussions of my forum with an rss feed, but what is the rss feed url of my forum?
I want to show the recent posts/discussions of my forum with an rss feed, but what is the rss feed url of my forum?
Most recent Webbrowsers show you a RSS-Button if a RSS-Feed is being found on the page. You can check this in the Source of your page when searching for (In my Vanilla 2 RC2 Installation, this is one of the very top lines on the Discussions page)
I can't get it working.
The link is
and I can see the rss button, but if I press the button I get an error. Maybe you could please tell what might be wrong?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Is this still broken or am I doing something wrong?
^^ Ditto. Seems to still be a problem (View not found) when clicking on the rss icons which are available by default next to categories?
@mattchatterley I am not seeing this issue on 2.1. What version are you using?
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@hgtonight 2.1 as well - very odd, but good to know it works for someone else therefore it's either because of my installation (unlikely?), or my custom theme (more likely!) - the URL being generated checks out, but it seems like the template for the feeds is missing - will be investigating more as soon as I've ticked a couple of urgent items off the todo list!
@mattchatterley revert to the baseline+ theme and verify it doesn't work there.
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Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
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Yes, try a different theme, and or disable plugins one by one to see if it improves.
do you get something like this when you click on feed buttons when debugging.

if so check your plugins and themes and the files in conf/folder
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Alas, doesn't work with Baseline+ either, I get "Whoops! View not found.", with the following debug output/trace:
0 /var/www/ NotFoundException('View')
1 /var/www/ Gdn_Controller->FetchViewLocation('helper_function...', 'categories')
2 /var/www/ CategoriesController->All()
3 [internal function]: CategoriesController->Index('general', 'feed.rss')
4 /var/www/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
5 /var/www/ Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch()
ViewLocation(): array (
0 => '/var/www/',
1 => '/var/www/',
2 => '/var/www/',
3 => '/var/www/',
in applications/vanilla/controllers/class.categoriescontroller.php(270):
what does it say at line 270
does line 270 say
not sure why it is looking for helper_functions_rss - did you modify anything in the core?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Which seems to be right.
library/core/class.controller.php seems to add the _rss (in the definition of FetchViewLocation), so I'd assumed that was the right behaviour and the files are just missing.
Definitely haven't modified anything in core!
I don't know why its doing that
just for a n experiment you could clone a copy
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.