


  • what do you mean? Edit: you mean when I was looking for the one called header? that was my point, it wasn't there. that's why the nugget locations should be sorted by relative location instead of alphabetical.
  • [quote]woah
    how did you make that store?[/quote]

    page management/iframe

    its actually a amazon store
  • Hi I'm trying to use phpads code (javascript) and nothing is showing up. Any thoughts? All i'm putting in is: <div align="center"><script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ','; phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11); document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='"); document.write ("" + phpAds_random); document.write ("&what=zone:17"); document.write ("&exclude=" + document.phpAds_used); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); document.write ("'><" + "/script>"); //--> </script><noscript><a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt=''></a></noscript>
  • How do I make a list in the Inside Panel, and have it retain the same style sheets the rest of the panel has? (i.e. the links attributes and text font and style)
  • powermanafHow do I make a list in the Inside Panel, and have it retain the same style sheets the rest of the panel has? (i.e. the links attributes and text font and style)
    Is the Nugget actually executed *inside* the Panel? If so, you can use this format:
    <ul><li> <h2>List Title</h2> <ul><li> <a href="">Link1</a> <a href="">Link2</a> </li></ul> </li></ul>
  • Ah, ok, all I needed was the 'li' tag. Thanks!
  • Hi Schizo,

    I noticed there's a small problem when it comes to disussions displayed in a single category page (maybe Page Manager has something to do with that.) For some reason, nuggets don't seem to display on pages like

    However in my case each page pointing to a given category was checked in the nugget settings. The only nuggest displayed on these pages seem to be those of "Discussion List". The problem is I'd like to use different nuggets for each category page. Is it possible to do this?
  • First Off, I think this is an EXCELLENT extension. Great Job!

    A couple have mentioned that they are not getting nuggets on their pages.

    One thing I noticed is you might need to edit and add the pages manually from extensions. In the extentions/Nugget/library/Class.NuggetManagement.php file there is an array of pages near the end of the file. One thing I've had to do is add my custom pages to the that array. now, I can go into the Nugget Manager and enable the extensions.

    I like the suggestion of
    * sashae
    * Comment Time Dec 10th 2007

    of the Top 5 discussions as a submenu, I just think it should be dynamic. It appears to me, you have to manually pick the discussions that you want as a submenu. It would very cool, if it would query the database, and find the top extensions for you. Maybe I'm off on this, I have not enabled that fix.
  • I've a little problem with nuggets and PageManagement :( The nugget is not displayed when I put in one of the panel pans but the other pans work. Is there some sort of trick to get it working inside the panel?
  • umm waht do i edit to make it so that any panel i add will automatically be added to the extension.php as well?
    cuz tha tis now how it is now
    and so panels don't show up on stuff like news blog and contact me
  • what do you mean?
  • umm
    i have to edit nugget.php each time i have a new application that i want to be on stuff like news blog and contact me
    i edit it and put extension.php in the list of the pages that the pages that the panel will come on
    it is getting old
    so i was wondering if there was something to edit.. so that extension.php automatically comes up as one of the pages to select for the panel to show up on
  • no, you'll have to do it manually ... at least until MySchizoBuddy updates it. (I don't think he's been on in quite a while)
  • oh i see well thanks anyway
  • Is there any way to make a recent posts nugget? I'd like to have 5 recent posts in the side bar (just topic/discussion name is fine).

    Cheers for the help!
  • there are a few post integration addons that allow you to do what you want (designed for external pages). It should be pretty easy to modify it to be in a nugget.
  • i found a way to fix my prob for anyone who has a similar problemo
    umm what do i edit to make it so that any panel i add will automatically be added to the extension.php as well?
    cuz that is now how it is now
    and so panels don't show up on stuff like news blog and contact me
    i have to edit nugget.php each time i have a new application that i want to be on stuff like news blog and contact me
    i edit it and put extension.php in the list of the pages that the pages that the panel will come on
    it is getting old
    so i was wondering if there was something to edit.. so that extension.php automatically comes up as one of the pages to select for the panel to show up on

    all you have to do is make a page with page manager, called it extension or something and link it to extension.php (make sure you don't click tab hidden until the last step is done) after you do that if you go to edit the nugget a place appears and is unchecked for extension of whatever you named the page
    (and now you can go and check the box that says tab is hidden from view)
  • @fysicsluvr: Thanks for that! :D
  • Hi all, I couldn't find a way to link a specific nugget to a specific category & discussion, so here is what i came up with. - create the category (get the http address and substitute with /?CategoryID=14) - create the first discussion (get the http address and substitute with /comments.php?DiscussionID=53) - then just embed the html code that you want. - copy and paste into the nugget html box. <?php $url=explode('&',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $category='/?CategoryID=14'; $discussion='/comments.php?DiscussionID=53'; if (($url[0]==$category) OR ($url[0]==$discussion)) { echo '<p><div align="center"><img src="Law.jpg" width="124" height="143"></div></p>'; } ?> Hope this helps someone.....oh and before I forget, GREAT Extension.
  • yeah i did a similar thing with the extension page
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