A few theming/styling questions



  • Ok so I started another style. You guys talked me out of the other one, it was kind of hard to read... and I like the one I just made a lot better...

    As always you can check it out at my forum...

    I really do plan on getting the finishing touches done so I can release them to the public. I feel that these are more or less just color variations for Vanilla, ah what the hell, who cares.

    Im one of those guys that is never satisfied. Im sure I will pop these things out constantly, most probably always like 90% finished (unless someone actually uses one, then I'll fix what I missed). I just hope the new Vanilla changes arent too radical... so I have to remake them all. Not that it matters I guess, I enjoy doing it.

    We really need a Style/Theme category...
  • Nice theme, good colors, easier to read, still needs finishing touches and it's just a tad crude, but if you put a header image it should smooth things nicely.

    We really need a Style/Theme category...

    I really agree with you on this one, since I can't contribute extensions with my knowledge of PHP, I could contribute styles and advice.
  • well if someone would just give me my admin powaz back i'd whip one up in no time... You just cant get the staff these days.
  • looking good krak, much better than the last one :)
  • well if someone would just give me my admin powaz back i'd whip one up in no time...
    You just cant get the staff these days.
    You can't be a douchebag and a mod at the same time.

    Well you can, but vanilla won't know about it.
  • when ohhello was running i made a 'minisweeper' status that combined the benefits of both the superadmin and the douchebag. It was fantastic.
  • You can't be a douchebag and a mod at the same time.
    Well you can, but vanilla won't know about it.
    Hahaha... funny, But actually he could. Mark could make a special "douchemod" role that has both.
  • Woah, minisweeper is an MVP! Congrats!
  • Awesome, now he can make the style category \o/
  • Well, i suppose i could....maybe i dont want to? *ta-da!
  • SWEET!
  • What the hell does MVP stand for? *wants to be one anyway
  • I know lech is the only other one. I just did a quick role search.
  • hehe :D
  • so... what does it stand for?
  • MVP as a basketball term means Most Valuable Player, usually given to a player in the winning team, who has contributed the most to the team. But I doubt it means the same here.
  • Most Valuable Person maybe? Thanks for that Kosmo
  • yeah, i wondered that when lech got it. I'd assumed it was most valuable person or something...so i'm not sure how there can be two of us. I say lech should be MVP since he's actually useful and i should be LVP/Slave or Douchemod. But we cant argue with the big man. *Goes to find other threads to move.
  • I regret nothing!
  • lol @ douchemod. I've had it only for a little while, mini. I don't abuse it (yet) but pretty much correct stuff and contribute the same as usual. But yeah, we're just jonezy and marks underlings, however we can revolt and change their responses (evil laugh).
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