A few theming/styling questions



  • So what are the chanecs of me getting some neat role? Like Librarian, The Documentor that sounds mighty.
  • ahaha, lol. Most Valuable Peoples. Its kind of odd not seeing the bar accross the screen for mini's posts. I've gotten used to it.
  • To be quite honest, I'm not much of a fan of that tagline appearing in places. I suppose instead an image or something could be put in it's place, but I guess I'll have to wait until I can get my hands on the next revision to really utilize it the way I want to.
  • /me votes for text only signatures
  • I vote for lack of signatures.

  • i'm with giginger on that one. Heh lech, i hadnt actually noticed i could edit peoples posts...i'm not sure why i didnt just assume it. Couldnt you just hide the tagline with css?
  • It could stand for: Most Valuable People. Sounds more like it.
  • Maybe add the signatures as an extension or option that you can toggle on/off? In the Mapcore forum that I hang around, we usually post our web portfolios and websites in the signature. But I agree, some sigs with pictures are so freaking annoying.
  • I like sigs, nice small ones, adds character. I hate the 800x300 fscking ones. Those are annoying. I would use a sig extension if it was txt only or limited them to say 400x30 or something. Having an option to have sigs on/off per user would be a must for Vanilla.
  • Great idead Krak, or maybe even if you could have options sig on/off images in sig on/off and styling in sig on/off since many people style the hell out of their sug text like this

    WOOOOO I'M SO HOT!!!!!!1111oneoneone
  • lol, nice.
  • I consider a persons profile their signature. There is no way I can post as Krak, without logging in as him. That's a signature there. If the "clipboard" extension worked (it doesn't work on my installation of Vanilla) and it were enabled here, all you need to do is to create your "sig" and a clipboard item and all set. On a different topic, about the Clipboard extension, is it meant to work with IE only? It does not works with Firefox...
  • Yeah, but see, the thing with sig is what I just explained, it's like personal news cast or something like that, where we tell people on the forum that we have a new mod coming out, we got some new job, a new map, opened new portfolio and so on and so on. BTW. This reminds me, it would be cool to have community news box extension, just like the one at Stylegala, but only where you can post your news items when you are logged.
  • If i wanted to tell people on the forum something, i'd start a topic about it and get their feedback on it., or whisper it to the person i had in mind. That to me seems to be the point of the forum to begin with... We did have an o8 News thing which was run by a user[s] with the correct access (i.e. news mod) which was pretty fun actually and i'd certainly like to see it as an extension...not sure if mark has any plans for this.
  • Well, usually we have Threads concerning our updates/news but face it, in a community around three times as active as this one, there is bound to be some people that don't have the time to read the thread and especially when it is so easy to just type in to your sig "Portfolio - updated 9/30/05" or something, so people don't have to bother making threads or reading them. It's convinient. Besides, I miss the lifespan of BITEY sig that I had.
  • Sigs allow me to show off fancy photoshop skillz.
  • edited September 2005
    Templates in the new version are going to be so great... No more trying to remember the difference between the body element, the element with ID "Body", and the elements with the "Body" class! No more bizarrely capitalized classnames! No more elements with five different classes! No more having to display:none half the elements on the page! *does dance of joy* EDIT: This post wasn't meant to criticize Mark, who's done an awesome job. At least half of those issues were the direct result of making a one-fits-all kind of template.
  • I consider a persons profile their signature. There is no way I can post as Krak, without logging in as him. That's a signature there. If the "clipboard" extension worked (it doesn't work on my installation of Vanilla) and it were enabled here, all you need to do is to create your "sig" and a clipboard item and all set.

    On a different topic, about the Clipboard extension, is it meant to work with IE only? It does not works with Firefox...

    The Clipboard is MEANT to work with everything. (almost). What do you mean it does not work? Do you get a php error when you enable the extension?

    There is a fix from Mark floating around somewhere (I'll get it in a sec), that fixes this. I applied it and it works fine.

    *runs off to find fix.
  • edited September 2005
    Mark Says:
    I think the easiest fix for this one temporarily would be to open up the tools/getclipping.php file and after the include("../appg/init_ajax.php"); line, include the extension file for the clipboard, like this: include("../extensions/Clipboard.php");

    There is the fix.
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