


  • First of all, thanks for this great extension and for your efforts. :)

    Just FYI, this extension somehow conflicts with Comment Links (as does Notify). The desired behavior in Comments Links is to show a javascript generated menu when clicked. With Notifi enabled, that menu doesn't appear. You might want to address that issue in the next version. :)
  • Thanks for letting me know mate, I will have a look
  • Perfect! I must be blind... Now it is working. Thanks very much, I appreciate it :-) I can now return to the original issue of the link in the email. this is what it says... "The following comment was posted in the discussion notification test. Post by: admin post three Click here to view the comment on the forum or copy and paste the following link into your web browser: Kind regards, Overseas Schools Information Database " The trouble is that the link take the user to the Vanilla installation, not the Joomla site. I suspect that the Joomla bridge cannot identify the exact url of the discussion (I suspect this because the url does not change as I look at different discussions). What do you suggest? Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to simply send a fixed url back in the email (ie the url of the Joomla site -,com_vanilla/Itemid,56/ )
  • Yes it seems like the only thing to do is link to the main Joomla page, because the URL doesn't change from page to page as you said. I guess you have your reasons but in general that is very bad practice, people can't give links to friends or bookmark particular discussions in their browser. But that's not why you came here ;)
    Try replacing lines 347 to 382 of default.php with this:<html> <body style="background-color:#fff;"> Hello '.$mName.',<br /><br /> The following comment was posted in the discussion <strong>'.$discussionName.'</strong>. <div style="margin: 20px 0; padding: 10px; background-color: #fef9e9; border: 1px #ffedae solid;"> <p style="padding: 5px; margin: 0 0 5px 0; background-color: #fff; border: 1px #ccc solid;"> Post by: <strong>'.$mPosterName.'</strong> </p> '.$mComment.'<br /> </div> <a href=",com_vanilla/Itemid,56/">Click here to view the forum</a> or copy and paste the following link into your web browser:<br />,com_vanilla/Itemid,56/<br /><br /> Kind regards,<br /> '.$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_NAME'].' </body> </html>'; } // If this is a new discussion else { $message = ' <html> <body style="background-color:#fff;"> Hello '.$mName.',<br /><br /> A new discussion called <strong>'.$discussionName.'</strong> was started, the comment is as follows. <div style="margin: 20px 0; padding: 10px; background-color: #fef9e9; border: 1px #ffedae solid;"> <p style="padding: 5px; margin: 0 0 5px 0; background-color: #fff; border: 1px #ccc solid;"> Post by: <strong>'.$mPosterName.'</strong> </p> '.$mComment.'<br /> </div> <a href=",com_vanilla/Itemid,56/">Click here to view the forum</a> or copy and paste the following link into your web browser:<br />,com_vanilla/Itemid,56/<br /><br /> Kind regards,<br /> '.$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_NAME'].' </body> </html>';
  • WOW! Spot on :-) I agree that not being able to link directly to a post is not ideal but if I want to run a Joomla site with the SWEETEST forum script what choice do I have? Many thanks for your help
  • SubJunk - any chance of making it support BBCode, so that it pre-processes it before mailing out the text to people? Looks a bit crap having [url= blahbal] instead of a link :)
  • The emails I have received using this has both a link and a url to copy/paste.

    The following comment was posted in the discussion notification test.
    Post by: admin


    Click here to view the forum or copy and paste the following link into your web browser:,com_vanilla/Itemid,56/

    Kind regards,

    Is that what you meant?
  • That didn't come out very well...

    The 'Click here to...' is a link

    and the url is not
  • Great idea spode, I'll work that in there for sure with an option to enable/disable it.
    osid, that is the usual format of the email, did you have a question? Maybe it's just late here but I don't know what you're asking.
  • Hi, I'm not asking anything. I was doing my best to respond to spode's comment. I've obviously got my knickers in a twist...
  • Ah I see :)
  • Also found out it breaks the Collapsible Panel extension. Is there a quick way to fix it and the User Info without having to release a new version?
  • IceBone, it is actually those extensions that are breaking Notifi, and not the other way around. The problem is that Notifi uses Prototype (which is included with Vanilla) but Collapsible Panel and User Info use a MooTools extension. MooTools and ProtoType are similar in that they both extend JavaScript, making it easier and more functional, but they conflict with eachother (they both try to change JavaScript in some similar ways so it conflicts).
    So it is the MooTools-dependent extensions that break Notifi, not Notifi that breaks them, because Notifi is using Vanilla's own built-in Prototype file :)

    I don't think there is any way to fix the conflict because it is a fundamental incompatibility with the 2 packages, so the only way to fix it would be to make Notifi work with MooTools instead of Prototype which I have no intention of doing unless MooTools is ever included in the core instead of Prototype (I don't know of any plans to do that), or for the other extension's authors to make theirs work with Prototype as they should have done in the first place, in my opinion. I hope that clears it up IceBone.
  • Clear as day. I'll go nag in the other two discussions. :P
  • Haha uh oh *ducks punches from those devs*
  • SubJunk - I imagine this goes with the territory. But it would be nice if when doing BBCode rendering, it also added in line breaks for new paragraphs? It would also be nice to have a word count limit. I have people writing entire articles and posting them. I don't want the whole thing going through. Being able to limit it to 150 words would be useful :) If you need/want any help with coding btw - feel free to get in touch.
  • Great ideas again spode. I've already made most of the features suggested by you and other people and will be releasing them along with a mostly rewritten extension, with version 2.0. I will try to work in those things too :)
  • Do we have an ETA on that one? :)
  • Naw you will just be disappointed when the ETA probably passes by ;) won't be too long though.
  • I know the feeling SubJunk!
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