Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
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Vanilla 2.0.6 released

TimTim Vanilla Staff
edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Vanilla 2.0.6 has been released and uploaded.

This is primarily a bugfix release that takes care of some issues reported with v2.0.3.


  1. Fixed AJAX issues that broke functionality when RewriteUrls was disabled
  2. Fixed issue where posting would lag due to slow email server response
  3. Updated Authenticator support framework
  4. Cleaned up CSS throughout various areas in the core
  5. Official release of new Dashboard theme
* Note - this is a re-release of v2.0.4 with a correction to the version number in index.php which was erroneously marked as '2.0.4a'. The version jump is normal.

Troubleshooting the Vanilla 2 Installation

If you run into any issues during the installation, you may see the "Bonk" error screen. In order to get past this screen, you can remove the following line from your conf/config.php file:
$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';

This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).

Upgrading Vanilla 2.0 Forums

  1. Sign into your existing forum with the user that has UserID = 1
  2. Back up your database.
  3. Back up all of your existing files.
  4. Unarchive the new files and copy them over your existing files. Make sure that your hidden files (ie .htaccess) are copied to your server.
  5. Make sure the conf/config.php from your old version has been copied over to the new version.
  6. Delete all *.ini files in your cache/ folder
  7. Navigate to the page in your forum that updates your database (this will not work if you did not sign in as UserID = 1):
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to run the update scripts.
  9. Navigate to your forum and test away!

Reporting Issues


Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.

See the add on page for additional instructions.

Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]



  • edited September 2010
  • image
  • MikhaelMikhael New
    edited September 2010
    Copied over 2.0.3 and updated; all's fine so far. Thanks for all the hard work guys. @Lincoln; WTH?! :)
  • The version is defined at the beginning of 'index.php' in the root directory. It still reads '2.0.4a'.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @binhdo This has been fixed. I uploaded a new version just now. Sorry about that. So many little things to check and synchronize >.<

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Whatever happened to v2.0.5 ...
  • No one appreciates a good lightswitch rave anymore.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    I'm bad at tagging with GitHub because it is stupid, and I screwed up :( It doesn't let you re-use old tags and point them at new commits, so I had to skip. Same thing happened with 2.0.2 :p

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @Lincoln dooodlodoooodo doodleoodoooodo doodleoodoooodo...

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • I'm not sure of this is an 'issue' or I'm just not understanding something, but after upgrading from 2.0.3 as described above, my copied config.php still shows the versions of Conversations, Vanilla, and Garden as 2.0.3. Do I need to manually change these to 2.0.6? Are these values important?
  • Now we are getting somewhere...
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @daBrado that value is something we've added and plan to use in the future. The real (current) version number is stored in index.php and we update that for you.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • 2.0.6? Nooooooo!! I just spent ages updating stuff and this happens. Sad face. :( I have another thought, but will make a new post.
  • MikhaelMikhael New
    edited September 2010
    @Tim; Bottom-right corner of the Dashboard screen still says 2.0.4a after updating to 2.0.6 (Ah, just spotted the above reply to daBrado).
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited September 2010
    @Tim Remove the tag:
    git push origin :tagname
    Then recreate it at the new commit.

    "Wow, up to 2.0.36 in only 6 months?"
    "Yeah, and we only had 12 releases so far!"

    //edit: Could just claim it's some esoteric system you've developed. "We only increment in multiples of 3 in accordance with the Gunter Method™."
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Hahaha. I know about the tag removal method, however git has some kind of protection where if a client has already 'seen' a tag, it will remember the commit that was associated with that tag, even if the tag is removed and re-applied to a new commit. That's what happens to GitHub's download list. I removed and re-added the tag but it remembered the old commit.

    Then I was like 'fuck it, new version', and tagged 2.0.5. But I hadn't incremented the version number yet again, from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5, so I had a tagged release for 2.0.5 whose internal version was 2.0.4. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    So i fixed the internal number at 2.0.6 and re-tagged AGAIN.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @daBrado that value is something we've added and plan to use in the future. The real (current) version number is stored in index.php and we update that for you.
    Thanks for the info!
  • after upgrading I cannot post at all. The progress indicators just sit there forever and spin. I can hit refresh and sometimes the post goes through but it doesn't bump the thread.
  • after upgrading I cannot post at all. The progress indicators just sit there forever and spin. I can hit refresh and sometimes the post goes through but it doesn't bump the thread.
    NVM cleared cookies and it works now.
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