CVS or SVN for Vanilla project



  • so is that the version your working with? the files that are on there now...

    you should zip it up ;-)
  • O_o I've seen the themes directory o_O .... this is the new vanilla :O

    Zipped would be nice :P
  • cool. :) Now setting up a nice front-end like trac *hint* ;)
  • I'm doing the "1.0" dance right now.
  • Wohoooooo, you nearly made my day ;)
  • Vanilla Staff
    I'm still mucking about with the setup. Had a problem adding a file to the repository and needed to remove the entire thing and start over. I'll start a new thread when it's all ready to go.
  • From the Url I guess it's SVN instead of CVS? :)
  • I'm not downloading anything until you say so Mark :D
  • Yeah, but I can at least see the code. Sweet Jesus!
  • :O What's that people thing?? (I'm too shaky too look at the code :P)
  • I was wondering the same.. I think mark will have to explain it ;)
  • Hmm, now I need a password to get in
  • damnit.. I could only copy 20 or so files :-D
  • Vanilla Staff
    Okay, I'm about ready to throw in the towel on svn. 1. Can't make it commit after adding a file. 2. Even though I've set up permissions, it never prompts me for a username or password and allows me to both read and write. It just doesn't fucking work right.
  • Well.. Don't you know someone who can help you out..? Get things right and notify us when it's done. We've been waiting some time and I for one don't bother to wait some more hours! :) btw. is there any reason you went with SVN?
  • Vanilla Staff
    No. Apparently no-one can help me out, and the documentation is ass.
  • Vanilla Staff
    I went with svn because everyone said cvs is archaic and because (apparently) a lot of people use svn.
  • Wish I could help.
  • edited November 2005
    Why did you go for SVN? :)
    Iam no expert but I don't see a difference between it and CVS :)

    Well.. Go for CVS then ;)
  • Vanilla Staff
    At this point, I'm not switching to a different one. I've spent too long trying to get this one to work to start all over again, now.
This discussion has been closed.