You don't have permission to access /forum/dashboard/user/applicants on this server?
Basically, when i try to mass delete/approve applicants, I get this message, and i'm having trouble figuring out how to fix it. this is the full message:
You don't have permission to access /forum/dashboard/user/applicants on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Anyway, hope someone can help, thanks!
What version of Vanilla are you using?
Thanks for the quick reply Lincoln. It's actually Version, I was able to mass delete/approve before, but now, for some reason, won't let me.
why not upgrade to and see if the problems still exists. Or if you know what you are doing 2.1
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Well, I'm a little scared to upgrade, don't wanna mess anything up, like lose comments, users, threads, or anything like that. Thing is, it worked before, so the version shouldn't be the problem, but unsure of what may have happened.
Does a single approve/delete work. and did you modify your .htaccess or move your forum recently.
Try the mass approve/delete with the username that is userid #1 which should be your root admin user.
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yeah, it worked if I hit the button on the right side of the applicant, but if I check the box, next to the name, and scroll down to the bottom, and hit approve, it won't work. Nope, I haven't modified anything. And yes, i'm using the admin account, I only have one.
does changing this in config help?
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = FALSE;
are you using embedded vanilla.
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Could you direct me to exactly where that is? I'm fairly new at this. Is it in the installation directory, or do I have to access it through phpmyadmin or something?
I'm using regular Vanilla, not embedded.
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I actually found it, and changed it as you said, but still doesn't work, sadly
change it back if you want as far as rewrite.
No idea on your problem though...
Based on what you said that you changed nothing and all of a sudden it stopped working. If it were me, I would approve all applicants one by one and then create two new applicants to see if the problem occurs with mass approve. If it doesn't start working.....
Then I would read some of the forum messages on backing up database, config.php, etc. and zip up your source directory so you have a backup and install If you have backups of all your files and database - you can always recover if the installation process goes bad.
Then I would reapproach the problem if it exists. At worst you have all the bug fixes up to
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Yeah, I changed it back just in case.
Darn, well, before I decide to upgrade, which I eventually will, is there anyway to manually remove all of the applicants? Through a backdoor somehow? I read someone that I can access it through the database, but not sure where that is.
Based on your knowledge, i would just approve or decline each one.
How many applicant do you have? if you have over 25 - the forum is either neglected or you have lots of spammers.
It would involve looking in the role table and deleting proper entry in userrole table that match the applicant role and deleting the properly identified users in the usertable.
Unless you know what you are doing, I wouldn't recommend.
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the forum is highly active, problem is, i'm getting over 30 spam applications everyday, hard to keep up, there are over 2000 right now, and since there is so many, just to load the application page, takes a long time. It says that I don't have permission, is it possible that I have to change the permissions of the files on my server? or is that something completely different?
use the boststop plugin it should relieve you of lots of spam. I suggest reading the forum regularly if you want to learn some things. also read the documentation and look at the wiki.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yeah, I was looking into botstop, read a little about it. It's seems useful. Only problem is getting rid of the 2000+ that I currently have, if i'm able to do that, I can probably manage it.
Anyway, thanks for the help.
do you still get the error if you only check 5 to 10 approval or deletes with the mass delete/approach. Maybe it is getting bogged down in the "mass execution" process.
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Does your role have the permission Garden.Users.Approve?
Peregrine, i've tried a lot of different amounts, it would even work if I check one of the boxes.
Lincoln, not exactly sure how to access/change that, but i'll look around.
@SaticCory - I think its unlikely you have this problem, since you can approve one user by clicking on the approve button on the right of each user in list, but you can't when clicking on the mass approve/delete button below, but its worth looking at.
So - have you just taken on this forum from someone else? You should click around the dashboard to familiarize with things (you can look without saving).
And read some docs.
To verify - I will start with assuming you are admin. Verify in the users portion of the dashboard to see if you are admin.
If you are go to roles and permissions - click edit administrator - look at the first table - it is titled Garden in upper left hand corner. Look at the columns - you will see approve (most likely 3rd column). look at the row that says users in the third column and which intersects with approve and users - this should be checked.
I'd be it it is and you have a different problem. But if it isn't - you've most lileky solved your situation.
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