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Why am I getting labeled as "abusive" and a "troll"?

JosiahJosiah New
edited April 2013 in General Banter

I'm new to how Vanilla forums works, but I've been participating in a single thread here, and I just noticed that my profile has 15 points as "Abuse" and 5 as "troll". All I've been doing is asking innocent newb questions, politely and trying to understand the Vanilla platform and how it meets my project needs.

Have I done something offensive to the community? Or is there a flaw in the system in which someone is trolling me by flagging all of my contributions to the discussion?



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    KasperKasper Scholar of the Bits Copenhagen Vanilla Staff

    Well, @vrijvlinder flagged a couple of your comments for some reason - you may want to talk to her about it. The discussion seems pretty constructive so I'm not sure about her motives. Who knows, might simply have been a mistake :-)

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP


    All reactions are based on user feedback. Different users have different thresholds for each type of reaction. Being fairly new to Vanilla/Garden, I use the insightful reaction a lot. When I see someone solve their own problem, I like to awesome them. You can a full list of your reactions and links to specific comments on your profile.

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    I think this is becuase you marked her as troll, which might have been accidental.

    grep is your friend.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited April 2013

    @kasperisager No mistake, Kasper I was trying to help him answering his query to the best of my ability and was marked as a troll by this person. I don't appreciate being marked as a troll for no good reason, apparently neither does this person. If he changes his troll for lol or something else I will change the flag.

    I don't sit around looking for answers for people's questions so they can disrespect me.

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    KasperKasper Scholar of the Bits Copenhagen Vanilla Staff

    Sounds like what we need to do is remind ourselves of the Golden Rule: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

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    Sounds like what we need to do is remind ourselves of the Golden Rule

    Thanks @kasperisager

    I don't appreciate being marked as a troll for no good reason

    @vrijvlinder you called my idea "your frankenframework". I flagged it, because I didn't appreciate the fact that you answer was condescending and didn't provide anything useful for me to work with.

    If he changes his troll for lol or something else I will change the flag.

    I don't appreciate you suggesting that I take a bribe of community respect in order to cover up the fact that you flagged 15 of my posts as abusive and 5 as trolling. You were wrong in doing so, and the right thing to do is to change the flags. Flags should only be used to politely let someone know that what they said was inappropriate. They shouldn't be used as a retaliatory weapon because you don't like the feedback that someone else gave you.

    Here's my suggestion for how we apply the Golden Rule here; I'll give you the feedback that is fair. I expect no different from you or from anyone else in this community.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    I am very much into Confucianism and that philosophy which is why I choose to help people and donate my time. I believe I have behaved as a good person and never insult people...maybe with cartoons , but I try to treat everyone kindly. If I misbehave and treat someone badly then I deserve whatever it is. Getting marked as a troll by someone who does not know me and had virtually no interaction with me except trying to help him irritates me quite.

    I would gladly accept judgement from my peers, if you think I was wrong.

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    It is best not apply reactions these until you are absolutely sure, and having tough skin on the internets, will take you far.

    grep is your friend.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    They shouldn't be used as a retaliatory weapon because you don't like the feedback that someone else gave you.

    People who come here asking for help should think twice before marking someone from here a troll without good reason. You are the one who came in for help. And you got the help.

    My flags count for 5 points each like rest of the MVP. As for the Bribery remark and accusations of covering up , yet more disrespect. Good luck with your endeavors...

    I am just going to be more selective as to who I help in the future.

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    @vrijvlinder I removed the troll flag, because on further reflection, perhaps it was wrong to label that post as trolling. I did find it rude (along with several of your other posts). I've been in the web development industry for 13 years and I have my own opinions about what the best practices are for different types of code. There is no need to call my ideas frankenframeworks or to otherwise dismiss my ideas just because they differ from your own. I also feel that it was trolling to mark all of my posts as trolling and abuse. I would appreciate it if you remove those flags.

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    I don't think there is 15 post, you have a small number of comments. The reaction system is weighted, as to draw attention to a problem. It is up to moderator to decide, if there is a lot of negs.

    However it is better to draw attention the contested content, rather than general content.

    grep is your friend.

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    Oh good, kiss and make up.

    grep is your friend.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    I am sorry you did not like frankenframeworks I thought it described my mental image of patching and mixing two frameworks very well. It certainly was not intended as an insult but as a description of something experimental . I have not seen anyone attempt this and succeed so it is an experiment until it has been done and works without problems.

    As with Frankenstein , he was made of other parts and was an experiment and had problems. It is not a bad thing. At least not in my mind. But if it makes you feel better then strike it from the conversation.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    They just cause ill feelings.


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    @vrijvlinder said:
    As with Frankenstein , he was made of other parts and was an experiment and had problems. It is not a bad thing. At least not in my mind. But if it makes you feel better then strike it from the conversation.

    Frankenstein was the scientist no the monster. That's why it is called Frankenstein's Monster.

    grep is your friend.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited April 2013

    @x00 ah lol that's so true but when people use the word as they generally refer to the monster as "a Frankenstein" an adjective describing a crazy creation by Dr Frankenstein, and he considered the monster his son, his conception and therefore he was a Frankenstein member of the Family . I suppose that part has to be accentuated , he was a Frankenstein not the Frankenstein.

    EDIT: plus when I think of Dr Frankenstein I think of Marty Feldman not the Frankenstein monster lol

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    I would think that flagging might be reserved for someone with a small amount of comments (something like 10). I don't like the idea that there are different weights based on... rank?

    Redirecting the flag action to a mod PM might be a good system. Off topic might be a good thing to help mods by semi automating split and merge actions/

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    yes but that annoys me becuase it totally misses the point of that story.

    grep is your friend.

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    peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2013

    @x00 said:

    Frankenstein was the scientist not the monster.

    how true. x00 expert at coding, and an expert with literature!

    see for yourself:


    Such were the professor's words--rather let me say such the words of fate, enounced to destroy me. As he went on, I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpable enemy; one by one the various keys were touched which formed the mechanism of my being: chord after chord was sounded, and soon my mind was filled with one thought, one conception, one purpose. So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein--more, far more, will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation.

    and the professor was referred in the most polite words :)

    "My dear Frankenstein," exclaimed he, "how glad I am to see you! how fortunate that you should be here at the very moment of my alighting!"

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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