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hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

Please post any feedback you have for this, here.

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    peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2013

    I usually have my test forum set to embed-friendly theme.

    I had to switch to a different theme than the embed to see the functionality. Works perfectly in the default theme though and probably other themes. nice job to you both.

    Can you see if this works for the embed-friendly theme? for you when not embedded.

    It would also be cool if this worked when forum is embedded in wordpress - but "fixed" positioning, will not work on forums under wordpress, in my experience. If you can get fixed working in wordpress, that would open up a new door to me :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    @peregrine Thanks for the feed back. I didn't think to test it with any theme other than the default. I think testing with embedded friendly is a must from now on.

    Once I find something that I like that works in both default situations, I will update.

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    peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2013

    I had to resort to a different method for going to top in pagenavigator plugin due to fixed positioning :). but finally got the the top and bottom working within embedded forums.
    But I think your plugin would be less clutter than an up arrow in every discussion as it is in pagenavigator.

    Maybe putting image in footer might work better, or in add comment box. than in a panel.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    Yea I put mine at the bottom right hand corner. Used a semi transparent image so it is not so apparent.

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    Thanks so much for making this! I'm also using the Embed-Friendly theme and it doesn't seem to be working for me. I'll keep an eye out for your update! From your preview screen shot it looks like it'll be great.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited April 2013

    I think the problem with embedded forums that use tpl is that they use Smarty . And it is not easily compatible with jquery . This happens to the categories2menu and categoriesdropdown. They both use jquery to function.

    this might help




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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP
    edited April 2013

    @Celeste I updated this to work with embed friendly.

    Until I find a better solution, this plugin will not add the back to top module if it detects it is embedded.

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    Hi! Useful plugin, thanks. One question, How to move the button from the left to the right? Thanks in advance!

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    You can customize the position of the jump to top button by modifying the css for it. You can put this in your /plugins/JumpToTop/design/jumptotop.css or your /themes/yourtheme/design/custom.css file.

    #JumpToTop {
      margin-left: -800px;

    You might want to play with the values a little bit depending on your theme, but that is a good starting point for the default theme.

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    I can not get the plugin to work in my theme. I fail to see. Any idea?.
    My forum is: www.poreltube.net


    Original: No consigo que el plugin trabaje con mi tema, Ni siquiera se ve ¿alguna idea?

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited April 2013

    Is that the Danca theme? it is a tpl and is embedded ?

    did you download the latest version of the plugin?

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    @YAcosta This plugin does not seem to be enabled on your forum.

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    @vrijvlinder said:
    Is that the Danca theme? it is a tpl and is embedded ?

    did you download the latest version of the plugin?

    Yes, is Danca.

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    @hgtonight said:
    YAcosta This plugin does not seem to be enabled on your forum.

    Ok, thanks, then blot out the plugin.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    @YAcosta said:
    Ok, thanks, then blot out the plugin.


    Tienes que habilitarlo en la consola de control

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    edited April 2013

    jeje, me sentiría muy mal que cometa tamaño error. El plugin esta habilitado y no se ve, lo probe en mi otro foro de prueba y alli si funciona, como comenta hgtonight este plugin no funcionara con mi tema (salvo que lo halla traducido mal)

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    Probé también deshabilitando el PageNavigator por si hacia conflicto pero igual no aparece. Revise todos los archivos del plugin pero no logro captar con que haria conflicto.
    Actualmente he vuelto a habilitar el JumpToTop para asegurarme y efectivamente esta como si no existiera.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited April 2013

    Si eso se debe a que tu tema es tpl existe manera de que jale si te fijas en los links que puse ahi arriba.

    Pero parece que lo arreglo el autor. No estoy segura,

    @hgtonight did you make this work on embed ? there seems to be a confusion a bit abut that.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    This plugin won't add the module if the vanilla plugin is enabled. The css position styles can't work inside an iframe.

    I have found a few solutions and am implementing them more elegantly. Will be in the next update. :-)

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    Thanks for reply @hgtonight, but in bootstrap there is no custom.css . Any ideas?

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