About vanilla versions

I've started, some months ago, building a community website for a client. Since it was a not-so-short project I decided to use as a starting point the 2.1 (alpha) version. I've updated vanilla code to following github commits many times ending with the latest commit of the release/2.1b branch.

Now, the core development is going fast-forward to the 2.2 version (release/2.2 branch), and the release/2.1 branch seems to be completely stopped (last commit 3 months ago).

As a plugins/applications developer this isn't a problem, but having one or more community website running on vanilla, updating core code is a sensitive operation (migrate db, no loss of information, etc).

So I have some questions:

  • The release/2.1b branch will be a dead branch (not a real release)?
  • What branch will be the next stable release (so I can migrate to that and follow the development)?
  • Core code can be update from 2.1b to 2.2 without worries or a database update is required (script?) ?
  • Any advice about this topic?

I open this discussion with the hope that will be useful to as many developers as possible.

Thank you developers,
Core or not

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  • My understanding is that the release branches are only updated with hotfixes concerning security. Something of a minimal maintenance mode?

    I am not sure as to the Vanilla Devs versioning schema, but many companies use odd point releases (e.g. 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, etc) as development releases and actually only release on even point releases (e.g. 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, etc.).

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  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    Well, I have tried Vanilla from 2.1 branch from Github but had some problems like port number with domain name. Then I switched to 2.1b released here at this forum and its working good till now except plugins cannot be enabled.

    I cannot tell you about your core question, only Vanilla founders can tell this. But I can tell this for certain that please do not use Git release for your client. Eventually there would be some or the other problem.

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  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    The 2.1 branch will be the 2.1 release which is intended for the community. Fixes on it have stalled over the past month, but will pick up. Once 2.1 is released we really recommend you use it because the only commits we make to it are bug fixes.

    Going to a more recent branch may introduce bugs that we haven't worked through yet.

  • lifeisfoolifeisfoo ✭✭✭

    Do you mean "2.1" branch or "release/2.1b1" branch? (they have some different commits)

    You can see commit 2.1 branch commits log here and here release/2.1b1 log here

    Thank you @Todd for your time.

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  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Ah. My apologies. release/2.1b1 is a dead branch. Any release/xxx will become a dead branch at some point when it is merged into master or its real version branch.

  • lifeisfoolifeisfoo ✭✭✭

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