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Feedback for plugin

I like this plugin however there are a couple things I can suggest .

The version requirements causes a fatal error changing it to

'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.18'),

fixes it

then the style needs some changes. Keep in mind people may have other add ons that also take the same space in the index. So making changes to the data list and the meta is not advisable . I recommend when styling plugins, to try and affect the rest of the stuff the least by only styling the parts pertaining to the plugin.

Here is a new style sheet I made for myself to make this play better with the rest of the stuff in the index.

.StatsBox {
padding: 2px;
float: right;
height: 10px;
text-align: left;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: 0.1;
vertical-align: top;

.StatsBox span {
display: inline-block;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 7pt;
line-height: 1;
padding: 0;
min-width: 18px;

.StatsBox, .StatsBox a {
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 7pt;
vertical-align: middle;
position: relative;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000;
.StatsBox a:hover {
font-size: 7pt!important;
color: red!important;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000;
.ViewsBox {
height: 10px;
width: auto;

.FollowsBox {
background: #666;

div.Meta span.CommentCount {
    display: none;

Thanks for the plugin , I had no idea of the view count until now lol :)



  • Thanks for the feedback @vrijvlinder. I will update the version requirements asap.

    As far as the stylin goes, you are right. I usually just test it against the default theme. AnYone can change css to fix their specific issues. :-D

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  • edited May 2013

    I usually just test it against the default theme. AnYone can change css to fix their specific issues. :-D

    You should also test using other plugins that send stuff there like the one peregrine made out of index photos to send images to the discussion index. I will upload it soon. Since he seems to have abandoned the idea. But it works great just that it goes right where this one goes, but making it small like I did fits them in nicely without having to move anything else. Even the vote plugin fits under it.

    I know it is difficult to make it work for everyone and people will have to adapt it to their theme etc. But the extra code for the ul li data list meta span is unnecessary and it messes up the other stuff. Removing it has no negative impact. That is the part people would have to edit in their own theme if they need to. So you don't need it. In my opinion.

    ps The license comes out as an exec file on the mac, it would be better as a text file.

  • Here is example with peregrine's plugin IndexDiscussionImage , I did not have to move anything to make it fit. with the css code above.

  • @hgtonight said:

    Thanks for the feedback vrijvlinder. I will update the version requirements asap.

    As far as the stylin goes, you are right. I usually just test it against the default theme. AnYone can change css to fix their specific issues. :-D

    That makes sense. There are so many plugins and themes around that it would be impractical trying to test against all combinations of them. A plain Vanilla setup is a good testing environment, customisations can be dealt on an ad hoc basis.

    As usual, good work!

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    The version requirements causes a fatal error changing it to
    'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.18'),

    I just double-checked enabling/disabling the plugin as is (with requirement) on both and 2.1b1. In both cases it did not generate an error.

    I am playing with the CSS to make it a little more robust.

    @businessdad said:

    That makes sense. There are so many plugins and themes around that it would be impractical trying to test against all combinations of them. A plain Vanilla setup is a good testing environment, customisations can be dealt on an ad hoc basis.

    As usual, good work!

    I shoot to test on all the default themes, but sometimes I forget Embed Friendly. :(

    Thanks for the feedback!

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  • well you don't have to fix it on account of me . Just leave it. If someone has a problem then they can ask or fix it themselves. It can serve as an incentive for people to upgrade to from anything =>lower. Although this will also work the same=>2.0.18

    This way if there is an update to 2.0.19 or you won't need to update the plugin. But it is really up to you , I made it work for me and that is fine.

    @businessdad I think you misread what I said. I said to test along with other plugins that use the same space to make sure they don't conflict with each other. I did not say to test on every theme. That is impossible and unnecessary. I tested this on 6 installations with various themes I made. It is up to me to make it work with them, but some of that code was not necessary, that is all.

    I said not to put too much styling into the plugin so it does not conflict with other themes or configurations or plugins which also share the same space. Which I think is valid and considerate towards other people's plugins.

    Maybe make a note on there saying it does not work with anything lower than ? Or that you must upgrade to in order to use it. Or if you replaced only the files for the security update to also change the version number on the installation everywhere or none of the plugins won't work unless people remove the .8 from the end.

    Too bad the version requirements for things does not check for anything other than a number in the config. The upgrade to .8 from .4 involved only replacing two files.
    It is not a different system. Every plugin that worked on .4 that has only 2.0.18 as the requirement still works on lower versions and on higher ones.

    I wonder if it is not limiting to have the last digit. Is it really necessary ? I don't know. All I know is that it works without it and that is what matters to me.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    businessdad I think you misread what I said. I said to test along with other plugins that use the same space to make sure they don't conflict with each other. I did not say to test on every theme. That is impossible and unnecessary. I tested this on 6 installations with various themes I made. It is up to me to make it work with them, but some of that code was not necessary, that is all.

    Sorry, I delivered the wrong message. My reply was not meant as "you are wrong", I just wanted to encourage @hgtonight and state that his approach is common and acceptable. Of course, one should do as much testing as possible. The only issue I find in what you suggest is that "testing with other plugins that use the same space" could be complicated. For example, I don't even know what plugins would use the same space. :)

  • I don't even know what plugins would use the same space. :)

    DiscussionTooltip, IndexDiscussionImage, IndexPhotos, bookmarks, options flyout, Vote, LikeThis,ATV,Unread Icon, to name a few .... plus the titles for the discussions and the meta data list contents, it can get cramped for sure ;)

    I would change the colors because it looks just like the Vote plugin, and if people use them both it can be confusing no? maybe lighter color blue or something...

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    It can serve as an incentive for people to upgrade to from anything =>lower.

    This is a nice side effect. :D I just put the version of Vanilla I am developing against, since I have no easy way to test against previous versions. I don't want to inadvertently offer support to a version I haven't tested.

    @businessdad said:
    I just wanted to encourage hgtonight and state that his approach is common and acceptable. Of course, one should do as much testing as possible.

    I am really looking into better ways to test and evaluate plugins. I also aspire to produce the level of documentation you provide with your plugins. :D

    @vrijvlinder said:
    I would change the colors because it looks just like the Vote plugin, and if people use them both it can be confusing no? maybe lighter color blue or something...

    This plugin is useless if you are using the Voting plugin (Voting plugin offers the exact same information + voting).

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  • I have no easy way to test against previous versions.

    Just change the version number in the config.php to lower. then change it back.

    I don't want to inadvertently offer support to a version I haven't tested.

    Indeed, rest assured that if the version number matches it works. I tested it also with .4 by changing the version in the config.php .4 and .8 are identical except for two files in mysql db folder.

    This plugin is useless if you are using the Voting plugin (Voting plugin offers the exact same information + voting).

    so what you are saying is this is the Vote plugin but without the Voting part?

    Or maybe it is an alternative to the Voting plugin ?

    In my 2.1 install the bookmarking/follows is not working, I got an error that I needed to enable javascript when clicking it. The Comments said -1 comments I changed to -0.

    Since I like my bookmarks icon and it works, I went ahead and removed that part from the plugin on that install. I am only going to use the views and comments for that one.

    Maybe that would be a cool option to have. To get to choose which to display. All three or just one or two. I know it can be hidden with css etc. But was just a thought .... then more items could be added to the same list of activities. Likes,Kudos etc. would keep it all in one space and organized.

    (the image is for the 2.1 install and also added one from my poll on that install. I modified kpoll :) )

  • @hgtonight said:
    I am really looking into better ways to test and evaluate plugins. I also aspire to produce the level of documentation you provide with your plugins. :D

    Unit Testing would be great, but it's still very painful to set up. For the documentation, tip of the day: write it together with the method. If you are not sure of what the method will be, add a simple // TODO Document method to remind yourself, and stick to the habit of going through these TODOs at the end of each coding session. It will become a habit before you realise it. :)

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited May 2013

    Just updated to allow choice of boxes to show.

    Now you can disable the CSS in the settings @vrijvlinder.

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  • @hgtonight: Thanx for the plugin. It's more lightweight this way than to install Voting and hide everything. :)

    Is there a way to show the stats to guests also. For now they are only displayed to members. Thanx

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  • @phreak Updated

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  • Thanx a lot @hgtonight. Thats great, i'd get you a coffeeeeee!

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  • I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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  • Uh, i found that under the Stats do not appear in the list of postings inside categories. Is this intended or a problem just with my installation?

    @hgtonight: You still get a coffee ;), please send me your donate-mail as PM.

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  • @phreak nice catch!

    Fixed in 1.3.

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  • Great, works like a charm. Thanx @hgtonight!

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