Dreaming of a Vanilla module manager
Hi all,
Every night i have the same dream that is haunting me...
I'm dreaming of a cool module manager that works far better then the fiddling config lines that actually do hold a strange pseudo-religion in itself when trying to order modules in the panel or everywhere else (or especially trying to remove those not listet, which is not really possible or just via theme hooks). I can fix this on my boards but it's far from comfortable for new users.
Whadaya think?
1.) Is a module manager that intelligently recognizes all first structure pages created inside Vanilla (probably also Categories) possible with the underlying structure?
2.) Does the Vanilla team plan on an integration like this?
3.) Should it be built as a self standing application or can a plugin handle it?
Optional question.) Did the NSA develop something like this but don't release it to the public because of the imminent
thread the world poles could get flipped upside down.
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I think the idea of widgetizing and them menus with a drag an drop interface is not a bad one. It just needs quite a bit of development I wouldn't count on it any time soon.
Generally I like the idea of Vanilla being well vanilla.
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I was looking in to this as an addon and came to the conclusion my time would be better spent elsewhere
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I think vanilla could be refactored into Composer packages, but it's really a long way
drupal 8 and magento 2 is doing this
sorry , it's seems that we are not talking about the same thing.
Better modularity for theming is something that we value and I would expect to see it expanded on in the future. As @hgtonight implied tho, it's a significant undertaking so don't expect it terribly soon, either.
The NSA is still waiting for pledges and donations for the app plugin theme, so
I think they contracted it out to these offices - probably joint effort.
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Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (BVT)
Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (LVT)
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It seems that we all came to the same conclusion. I reached the point of designing (on paper and whiteboard) the structure of a module/widget manager a couple of months ago, but I found out that "it's long way to the top, if you wanna rock 'n roll".
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narf and now we come again to the point where more OS power would empower Vanilla much more and wouldn't lead to cool developers to strife away from cool ideas. haventSaidAnything
I think you are assuming that enthusiasm alone will build this. These frameworks take years to mature. Early wordpress was very basic.
OS is driven by developers, there are exceptions, but developers who are not getting paid, are interested in doing what is useful to them. if they don't need an interface, it is not really a priority. That is not to say the interface will never get built, but they are more likely to focus on something else in the mean time.
Also for the core team, their main priority is to get the core to the stage where it is a star product, and the means getting the basics polished. More features means more things to test.
grep is your friend.
@x00: Your points are right, but i mean something different. Behind the curtains some people here already had great ideas and worked on very cool extensions (from small plugins to killerapplications, often partly or almost finished but not released). A lot of them gave up developments and concepts because they don't see a healthy OS scene here who'd probably fund, buy or support their products in the future. Vanilla's OS ecosystem has - besides of a small group here i can count with 4 hands - it's head cut off.
But please let this discussion be, i have a viewpoint those who agree mostly don't comment (as stated above theyStrifedAway they are moving their energy somewhere else) and those who don't agree do comment.
@phreak I don't disagree. I am just rubbish when it comes to UX (see discussion polls).
I would be more than happy to join a team that releases quality plugins, but project leadership is a thankless job.
It would be interesting to have a concentrated community effort to run through the core's issue list on GitHub. To remain whimsical, we could call it something like the Vanilla Defense League? Any takers?
As usual, sorry for derailing your thread phreak.
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@hgtonight: Yep, you are absolutely right, that to help everyone who can should contribute to bug testing the core release now, so that baby gets out and we can get out of this inter-release nirvana situation.
And please also make all the plugins compatible with 2.1 and beyond. All themes useable, etc.
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Nothing else?
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Uuh... Let's see.. we need user documentation and developer documentation, maybe a wiki application. Place it on the .org site in the /docs directory and let all the users add pages to it... then more source code documentation.
Oh ... I also need to download the internet on my USB-stick
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should have had the wiki link ( http://vanillawiki.homebrewforums.net/index.php/Main_Page ) on the documentation(http://vanillaforums.org/docs) as a link - 2 years ago
@Adrian - are you the new documentarian as well.
is it a political, technical, or not finding the five minutes to do it!
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Sorry about that Wiki part, didn't mean to stir up anything
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@UnderDog said
hate to be a tenacious bulldog on this (sorry Phreak for slight thread derail):
the question still stands
is it a political, technical, or not finding the five minutes to do it! any answer will suffice from the multiple choice.
just wondering.
the link could say external link - vanilla wiki (created by users, we the developers for vanilla are not responsible for it)
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
D, all of the above.
Look at what I've found when searching for some hint for a problem I'm struggling with right now :-))
Like I said...