Having some issue with the theme.

I am reposting this to the author @phreak
I am very new to vanilla forum and is finding some difficulty working with it. I am not a very good programmer. So, I want some help from the community.
But one question, why there are so few themes (it has been quite a bit now this community has evolved), and even if they are there they are not updated. Few good looking theme are old as back to 2010 but newer ones are not attractive. Seems as if they were made for the sake of making. But vanilla as a forum software is really promising- light, uncomplicated in use and intrusive. That is why I am here.

Now, let me get to the problem. [The version of my vanilla is]

1) I liked the "Fruit" theme and wanted to use that for my site. However, in the header part I am having some issue. Header is working fine in all part except register page or login page where logo is mixing with advert. However, in all other pages, they are fine. You can go to home page of domainhostforum.com and you will see that header is fine. Now click on "Apply for Membership" you will be taken to Registration page. There is where problem occuring in header. Due to which even the content is also having some problem as they have pushed the content, affecting css. Can anyone suggest me how can i correct that.

2) I really liked the new changes in seo friendly url. Last time when I installed the same version those urls were ugly i.e. index.php/p?=discussions; something like that). For all the links, things are working really very well, however url of post are leaving "-" (dash) at the end of url. You can click on sample discussion post I have created. "www.domainhostforum.com/discussion/1/welcome-aboard-" . Here you can see - after aboard. How can i remove that last dash from every thread url.

3) Also in the meta property they have filled something like meta property = og:image, og:sitename, og:title, og:description and all pages are showing same meta property. Can't i make it dynamic or if not remove it.

4) Is it ok to use fruit theme because, i checked their release date. They seem to quite old. Did anyone used it before and had any problems? Please suggest me on that. But the thing is I really didn't like any other theme. I want to stick with it. And if necessary make some customization with it to meet my need. However first I have to get more familiar with Vanilla forum software 9Editing header, css and all those stuff).



  • @hgtonight, @peregrine : This post contains something that's not related to just theme but vanilla forum itself. .i.e. point 2). Please help on that!

  • MVP
    edited November 2013

    @pracddha said
    @hgtonight, @peregrine : This post contains something that's not related to just theme but vanilla forum itself. .i.e. point 2). Please help on that!

    if its not related to a specific theme and you see the issue occurring in the default theme start a new discussion relating to your vanilla issue.

    generally splitting out unrelated issues gets you more feedback.

    I'm not trying to be difficult, I don't have any answers for you, I just noticed ways to get more effective reponses from people.

    e.g. good title, specific question. stick to one topic in your discussion uless they are closely related issues.

    welcome to the community. hope someone who knows about your issues can help you.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine : Also another question, in that fruit theme section, where I have put question, I saw that another person also had put a question on January and its still unanswered. So, do you think I should seek for answer from other section of the forum.

  • MVP
    edited November 2013

    edited out.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • MVP
    edited November 2013

    I will dive into your issues as soon as i've time. Now is sleeping time. Hold on for some hours. ;)

    (Damn the Internet got fast these days)...

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • Try that on the end of custom.css #Body, .Box {background-color:#F2F2F2;box-shadow:0}

  • @pracddha said:
    2) I really liked the new changes in seo friendly url. Last time when I installed the same version those urls were ugly i.e. index.php/p?=discussions; something like that). For all the links, things are working really very well, however url of post are leaving "-" (dash) at the end of url. You can click on sample discussion post I have created. "www.domainhostforum.com/discussion/1/welcome-aboard-" . Here you can see - after aboard. How can i remove that last dash from every thread url.

    The title is "Welcome aboard !". So if you replace spaces with dashes you get "Welcome-aboard-!" and afterwards the exclamation mark is simply removed "Welcome-aboard-". It might have been solved wiser, but I don't think this is a tragedy.

  • There are two SEO plugins in the repository. I can't personally vouch for either of them, but they seem to be popular.



    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • @R_J said:
    The title is "Welcome aboard !". So if you replace spaces with dashes you get "Welcome-aboard-!" and afterwards the exclamation mark is simply removed "Welcome-aboard-". It might have been solved wiser, but I don't think this is a tragedy.

    Yes I got your point. I tried making another post and you were right. That was all due to that exclamation mark. That shouldn't be a problem any more. Thanks a lot.

    @R_J said:
    Try that on the end of custom.css #Body, .Box {background-color:#F2F2F2;box-shadow:0}

    I tried that. You can too check. It's still not working well. But here the problem is not with box. That can be fixed giving a height (say 300px) to box. But real problem is in header. The header logo and the advert thing are messing with each other i.e. overlapping in sigin or register page. And that's been the headache. In all other pages header part is working normal.

    @hgtonight : Yes, I loved that first plugin i.e vanillaseo-plugin. Thanks to you as well.

  • MVP
    edited November 2013

    @pracddha: Fixed your header issue. Please drop me your E-Mail as private message so i send you the CSS. Will re-upload the theme the next days.

    Or this way:

    Head h1 a span {

    color: #84ab00;
    font-size: 42px;
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0.5px #000;
    font-family: 'Swanky and Moo Moo', sans-serif;
    position: absolute;
    left: 50px;



    Body, .Box {background-color:#F2F2F2;box-shadow:0}

    Thanx @R_J for helping out.

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • New
    edited November 2013

    @phreak : Thanks phreak, i have dropped you my email account.

  • @phreak: Header issue is fixed now, however there is still one problem. On this page: "http://domainhostforum.com/entry/register?Target=discussions" you can see "Apply for memberbership" or "login". When you click on that login page, its displaying no page found. When I checked the page source in browser, that login is taking url "/fruit-forum/entry/signin?Target=entry/register". Instead it should have taken "/entry/signin?Target=entry/register"

    Please fix that issue as well.

  • New
    edited November 2013

    Oh yes fixed that issue as well. If anyone want to know about it here it is what i did:
    Go to Fruit>>Views>>Entry>>registercaptcha.php Open this file and on line 3, replace line <h1><?php echo T("Apply for Membership") ?> or <a href="/fruit-forum/entry/signin?Target=entry/register">Login</a></h1>


    <h1><?php echo T("Apply for Membership") ?> or <a href="/entry/signin?Target=entry/register">Login</a></h1>

    Also on next line give height of 380px to the given div below:

    <div class="Box" style="height:380px;">

  • New
    edited November 2013

    [Split Dammit] Also another issue, this search tool is not working. I don't think its problem of this theme particular. I have tried with other themes as well. It looks like problem of core vanilla itself. The search is showing no result for any of the search term. What do you have to say on this regard: @peregrine, @R_J, @hgtonight

  • MVP
    edited November 2013

    @pracddha said:
    Also another issue, this search tool is not working. I don't think its problem of this theme particular. I have tried with other themes as well. It looks like problem of core vanilla itself. The search is showing no result for any of the search term. What do you have to say on this regard: peregrine, R_J, hgtonight

    • here is another forum etiquette rule - when asking a question on a totally unrelated topic - post a new question with a good descriptive title. It will help other users find the information more easily.
      That is one suggestion - I wish posters would follow.

    But in answer to your question.

    read the way sql search works. - with small data sizes search doesn't work reliably, also 3 characters, and if search word is over 50%. you can google full text searches in sql to find limitations.

    this link might provide more insights - but I suggest you google full text searching with various database engines.

    also, if you host allows - you could use the sphinxsearch plugin


    maybe @hgtonight could split this maybe.

    also for new users posting see:


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • New
    edited November 2013

    @peregrine: First of all, sorry for messing up with post putting one after another in same place. But you can see I am heavily working on my vanilla forum and small bugs are causing some headaches. But that happens evertime you are with something new, which you have not become accustomed to. Since, I can't split this and I think again posting in another thread will just break the flow of conversation. But next time if I will be having other issues to ask, I will keep your point in mind and make separate post in relevant place.

    Now coming to the search tool, I didn't get your point. In wordpress, there is no any such problem (Correct me if I am wrong). In my forum, i used terms that were in the title of the thread itself. Still it displayed no result. I tried everything, long or short terms. I have tried using terms from both title and content but every time it shows no result. You can check yourself on domainhostforum.com.

    If that is the case, probably I will have to implement one of the vanilla plugin that integrates google search box to the site.

  • Search will start working (as odd as it seems) if you have "enough" postings in your database.

  • @R_J, Don't get me wrong, but what's the relation of algorithm with no. of posts. If it has to work, it should work from post 1.

  • New
    edited November 2013

    One more addition to the theme development, after all those css has been applied. It's showing problem with logo image. For which you can add following css so that header logo image will not be out of the position:

    Head .inner h1 img {

    top: -25px;}
  • @pracddha: it sounds stupid but you could find a good explanation at the MySQL Documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/fulltext-natural-language.html

    "For very small tables, word distribution does not adequately reflect their semantic value, and this model may sometimes produce bizarre results. For example, although the word “MySQL” is present in every row of the articles table shown earlier, a search for the word produces no results (...)
    The search result is empty because the word “
    MySQL” is present in at least 50% of the rows. As such, it is effectively treated as a stopword. For large data sets, this is the most desirable behavior: A natural language query should not return every second row from a 1GB table. For small data sets, it may be less desirable."

    The explanation is, that if you have only few places to look at, it is very likely that the word you are looking for is treated as a stopword. Looking at the issue from that point starts to make sense ;-)

    If you create ten discussions and then search for a word that is only in one of them, you should receive a search result.

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