I play drums, I know mark plays guitar and you...



  • I self-taught me guitar, bass, drums (and a lot of different percussion instruments) and piano / keyboard. I'm playing / jamming together with other musicians since about 15 years now. I'm open to a wide spectrum of musical styles, e.g. I like Jazz but also harder stuff like Grind/Metal and also groovy stuff like Funk and Reggae. Music, my love. :)
  • 413x I subscribe to your last sentence.

    I love music and I know for shure that I could not live without music.

    If for some chance in life I have to stop playing, I'll turn into a very miserable person.
    No one should be obligated to play an instrument against their will, that's unatural :/

    Present your bands websites.
  • I play guitar in the most tripped out, kick ass death-metal band you will ever hear...
  • i'm a drummer! http://www.myspace.com/theambition
  • I'm Batman. ...I play the bat.
  • I forgot to say: Nice tracks 3stripe.
  • Axe and vox over here.

    New projects in the works, I'll keep y'all updated whether you like it or not!
  • im a bass trombone player, tuba, and i try the trumpet every now and then.
  • i'm hoping to put out 2 EPs this year, one of downtempo tracks, and one of breaks... need to think of a name for my label first though :-P
  • I at one time played most all of the band instruments (basicly a high school band geek poster child). Since then I have kept up with the Saxophone, Piano and Guitar. Im loving playing the guitar most of all right now. Mostly cause I can just pick it up and start playing, no reed wetting or setup required. :) -Brad
  • I have the most offensive label name ever. BIYC is the acronym. I shall say no more. It's a joke too so if you do find it don't get too upset at the awful layout.
  • Bowen Island Yacht Club???
  • Big Island Yoga Center!!!!????
  • Seriously though I was thinking about using an old name for collective projects as a label name - Slackers Inc - which was originally just for my VJ posse.... not sure though
  • What's with everybody starting their own label these days anyway?
  • Train of thought you can start a record company on the internet > Wait! I have the internet! > Let's call myself a record company, and then not put any resources into the bands that i sign! (i've had some bad experiences with internet record companies :P )
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