Fatal Error in Gdn_Autoloader.RegisterMap();


Not certain I understand the extent of this issue and was hoping someone could give some advice.

I've migrated from a database another installation that was using the alpha installation of Vanilla 2.2 I believe.

Everything imported into the stable version of Vanilla perfect.

Stupid decision on my part to use a alpha installation on a live website but really liked that responsive theme!

Anyways, created a custom theme, tested out OK after the import (members, passwords, posts, etc., all good).

Now I go and try to edit the "Roles & Permissions" and I get a "Bonk" error.

Enabling the debug, I was able to get these results (attached as two screenshots):

Any thoughts on this would be fantastic as I currently have this on a live website. Thanks anyone who can offer advice.


  • The Image attachments didn't work with the previous URLs so here they are:



  • Found my own solution by replacing the following tables from a clean installation of Vanilla



    Once those tables were dropped and replaced with the originals I was able to clear the "Bonk" error shown.

    Hope it helps someone else.

  • This type of error is due to running PHP 5.5, iirc. The autoloader uses a deprecated function which raises a warning.

    In debug mode, this warning is shown. Disabling debug mode should have cleared this issue as well.

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  • Hello,

    I am not running PHP 5.5 on this server. Currently running 5.4.

    The error was displayed "prior" to debug being enabled. I did that to see the issue.

    No worries though, as explained above I was able to resolve this.

    Thanks for your insight.

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