Addon Authors: Please Test in 2.1 beta 3+

We're requesting theme & plugin authors test their software against 2.1 beta 3 (or subsequent releases as they appear) and make a compatibility note in their addon description here on the .org addons directory.

With 2.1 right around the corner, we'd like to help upgraders have a smooth transition by alerting them to potential issues or having new versions ready to complement the release. Thanks!


  • So... anything I should test beyond:

    1. Fresh install of 2.1b3
    2. Import dummy data
    3. Install your plugin
    4. Test out functionality
    5. Test out error modes
    6. Put results in your plugins description page here
    7. Repeat from step 1 for each plugin
    8. Profit???

    Do we just need to check against event name changes? Any major gotchas between 2.1b2 and 2.1b3?

    Any additions to this checklist?

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2014

    In addition to Lincoln's and hgtonight's suggestion:

    • as an aside non-authors users could also state whether a specific plugin worked in 2.1b3, then the author could change description. Since some authors have in excess of 20+ add-ons.

    • It would help as well.
      you don't have to be a plugin author to help the plugin author in the process. It's a community process after all.

    • Authors could also state that the plugin will not be supported in 2.1b3 (perhaps due to other better plugins that do the same thing or structual limitations).

    This means the community as a whole, not only authors can help in process. Got a recommendation to improve things put some sweat into it.

    May I suggest to non-plugin authors.

    • Load a second new test installation of 2.1b3 on you site.

      • Put some sweat and effort in testing all plugins.
      • Some people have made a start on this. but it take a community.
      • You don't have to be a plugin author to test.
      • You don't have to be a rocket scientist to load a duplicate test forum.

    The process was started by volunteers (for 2.1) who generously donated their time (hundreds of hours which even at minimum wage would be equivalent to thousands of dollars).

    • My theory is - if the plugin worked in 2.1b2 - it probably works in 2.1b3 (it will be interesting to see if this proves not to be true).

    Now, non-coders with no php experience have a chance to pay back by testing (works or doesn't). instead of just asking for help or providing recommendations to vanilla staff on how to manage their site.

    what about a plugin tester badge for users that were the first to accurately test 10 plugins or more

      • that haven't been tested before, and
      • that they didn't author!

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine, that is a great idea, I will scrape the plugins repository again and create an updated google doc.

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  • LincLinc Admin
    edited April 2014

    Yes, the testing process will vary by plugin. I recommend cross-testing with common / major addons like Button Bar, Tagging, File Upload, etc as applicable.

    This is specifically about testing against 2.1 vs 2.0, not beta vs beta of 2.1. I agree it's rather unlikely a new compatibility bug has cropped up since beta 2.

    You might consider installing and installing the plugin, generating whatever data it might create, then upgrade and see if there's any issue there too. This would be overkill for simple plugins that don't manipulate the database or other data.

  • Here is the checklist of all current plugins:

    If you want to help, and I hope you do, send me a PM and I will send you the edit link. I will be cross-referencing the old testing data and add a community recommendation column (update, keep as-is, destroy).

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  • There are very few plugins that don't work with a little help...

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited April 2014

    Specific versioning would help, some you may wish to release more than one plugin depending on version or in other cases a single. There is no "tested with" option atm.

    From experience people often don't read. It would be good if they ware asked to enter their vanilla version/garden.

    In some case a pluign may a a complete rewrite, therefore it mightn't be don't immediately.

    grep is your friend.

  • cant wait to upgrade :)

  • I'm not going to publicly announce a date yet, but 2-8 weeks away from gold is a good bet.

  • That's 12 weeks :s

  • lol I know, that gives you room to bugger out... ;)

  • Exciting! :):D (*)

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