Error when trying to upload new profile picture.

edited November 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


I just downloaded and installed vanilla (2.1.5) but I run onto a problem. When a user tries to change his profile picture he gets this error:

" Whoops! There was an error. "

I searched on your forums but didn't find a solution.

Also, my uploads folder has 777 permissions.

Any help?



  • Do you also have this issue? Either with your own account or with a new test account? You should debug that error with $Configuration['Garden']['Debug'] = TRUE; in your /conf/config.php and report what the current error really is.

    Also please state when that error shows up: i.e. from what url which action is taken.

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    it is because you don't have "profile edit" permission checked for member roles.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    it is because you don't have "profile edit" permission checked for member roles.

    I do have it checked for member roles.

    @R_J said:
    Do you also have this issue? Either with your own account or with a new test account? You should debug that error with $Configuration['Garden']['Debug'] = TRUE; in your /conf/config.php and report what the current error really is.

    Also please state when that error shows up: i.e. from what url which action is taken.

    Yes I have that proble with my own acc too. I get that error from this url ->

  • When looking at that link, I do not see an option for the profile picture. I have to go to and only then I can see the link "Chang My picture" ""

  • @R_J said:
    When looking at that link, I do not see an option for the profile picture. I have to go to and only then I can see the link "Chang My picture" ""

    Yeah anyway, the point is that WHEN I see the link and I click it, it doesn't work...

    I attach you two screenshots with what happened:

    2.png 89.7K
    1.png 94.3K
  • "Whoops there was an error" is an error that nobody can help you with. My questioning was to find out what link really gives you that error. I guess it is "". Can you open that link? If not could you please add the line I've written above to your config and give a feedback on the actual error?

    What is also strange, is that on your screenshot there is a popup with the error and the profile edit normally doesn't open in a popup...

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    r_j said: What is also strange, is that on your screenshot there is a popup with the error and the profile edit normally doesn't open in a popup...

    if you hover over picture there is a change picture link, which will popup.

    there are two places (two ways) to change user avatar picture.

    via change picture link on the picture itself and through edit profile - > change picture in panel.

    do you have problems with both?

    what permissions do you have on the the userpics and thumbnails folder.

    what is the size of the picture you are loading.

    do you get the error, after trying to change the picture and saving upload, or immediately clicking change picture link.

    Also try going to edit profile and click on the the panel that appears in

    and also do what r_j suggested.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • There is no $Configuration['Garden']['Debug'] line in my config.php ...

    As for the link:

    I hovered my cursor above my profile picture and a "Change picture" button appeared (just like the screenshot #1 above).

    Note: There is not "edit profile picture field" on my edit profiles page. The only way I can edit my profile picture is by clicking on it like the screenshot I gave you.

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    @TheCrafter said:
    There is no $Configuration['Garden']['Debug'] line in my config.php ...

    As for the link:

    I hovered my cursor above my profile picture and a "Change picture" button appeared (just like the screenshot #1 above).

    Note: There is not "edit profile picture field" on my edit profiles page. The only way I can edit my profile picture is by clicking on it like the screenshot I gave you.


    Note: There is not "edit profile picture field" on my edit profiles page.

    if thats the case - then either profile edit permission is not checked in roles or the permissions table may have issue. either way

    run /utility/structure

    post a screenshot of your dashboard role permissions for the members and admin roles.

    • also answer the rest of the questions that were posed to you in my previous comment.

    and see

    and re-read

    and scan through this and the readme instructions

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    and was this a new install, upgrade from a previous version, or a port of other forum software.

    also if you using vanilla 2.1.5 why did you post your question in the vanilla 2.0 help category?

    maybe a moderator can move it.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited November 2014

    Well I do not understand some things...

    I dont have userpics and thumbnails folders... Is that normal?
    And I cannot run /utility/structure.php !! (It has full permissions as a file)

    I downloaded the latest release of Vanilla just two days ago.


    @peregrine said:
    and was this a new install, upgrade from a previous version, or a port of other forum software.

    also if you using vanilla 2.1.5 why did you post your question in the vanilla 2.0 help category?

    maybe a moderator can move it.

    Oops.... My bad! Sorry

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    post a scrennshot of your forum folder structure.

    and also post a screenshot of your /uploads folder structure


    post a screenshot of your dashboard role permissions for the members and admin roles.

    and re-read my comment.

    read this link as suggested and the threads in that discussion.

    and read the other threads in that discussion.

    if you still can't explain why you can't post images, and why you can't run utility structure, than I can't help you.

    e.g. this is what you need to post for your roles and permissions for members and admins

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @TheCrafter said:
    Well I do not understand some things...

    I dont have userpics and thumbnails folders... Is that normal?
    And I cannot run /utility/structure.php !! (It has full permissions as a file)

    I downloaded the latest release of Vanilla just two days ago.

    You cannot run utility structure? You just go to http://YourWebsiteURL/forum/index.php?p=/utility/structure on your admin account.

  • @BIOS said:
    You cannot run utility structure? You just go to http://YourWebsiteURL/forum/index.php?p=/utility/structure on your admin account.

    Oh ok! I didn't know, I thought I should just run the .php file. Didnt know that thanks!

  • yes that was in the link I provided you explaining that.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Anyway, no problems there! What about thumbnails and userpics folders? I dont have either of them

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    If you won't post what I ask you to do.

    then I can't help you. sorry. maybe someone else can help you stumble through a solution.

    but if you want to solve it follow the instructions.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    If you won't post what I ask, I can't help you. sorry. maybe someone else can help you stumble through a solution.

    I didn't mean to do that... I am trying to do everything you said all at once;

    Here is the pictures:

    Profile edit page:

    Admin permissions:

    Member permissions:

  • MVP
    edited November 2014

    you should see this for your own profile if you are admin and logged in as admin

    with a picture link.

    or an Add profile picture.

    in dashboard roles admin

    unclick profiles edit in admin role and save.

    then check profiles edit and save

    in dashboard roles member

    unclick profiles edit in admin role and save.

    then check profiles edit and save

    then disable other plugins in your dashboard.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I unchecked and saved and then checked again and save but nothing.

    Also here is my upload folder structure:

    And here is my profile. No "Change my picture" there. Pic was taken after unchecking and checkin the "edit" field on rules.

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