Is there a way to make a user account undeletable?

I want to give the moderators the ability to manage accounts. But I do not want them to be able to delete any user accounts and certainly not the main administrator account, whether on purpose or accidentally. I have given them ADD, APPROVE & EDIT permissions for "Users" in the Garden settings thinking that not giving them the DELETE permission would take care of it, but then they can't even see the user list. The only way they can see the user list is if they have been granted ALL permissions.
Is there at least some way to make my main admin user account undeletable?
if for example you Don't want UserID 5 to be deleted.
try this:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Make a plugin. Add a column to the user table called 'Indelible'. Tiny int 1 is fine. Default to 0. Check this on delete.
You could extend this with a nice interface for setting the users to indelible, but I am a little lazy right now.
EDIT - @peregrine beat me to it!
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aside from the options above. if they don't have delete option.
they could still edit your role if you give them edit permissions.
but you could probably trigger on a handler to take care of that as well
add these to a plugin.
Best to stick with Moderators you can trust.
By the way, they could see a user list with
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Aaaaaaand you will get a nice infinite recursion!
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Oh dear!
This is why you shouldn't type things from memory when you have a perfectly good source file to copy from.
Nice catch!
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Cool! Thanks. One question. How do you know what each users number is? It does not show that in the user properties box when you go to "edit" a user, nor does it show when you view a users profile.
an easy way is to hover over the users name or click on the users profile.
or right click on a users name - it will show a number in front of the users name in the url - that is the userid.
you can also load the
and it will show as well in the userid column.
or use phpmyadmin and look at the user table.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I loaded the memberslistenh plugin and configured which rows I want see, but I don't see a link anywhere on the site or in the dashboard to actually pull up the list. Am I missing something?
An entirely different question from your Opening Title demands a new discussion.
please read:
some info on Asking Questions - that may prove useful. (to help us help you).
go to the plugin you have a question about. choose ask question.
although the question you have is probably already answered in the comments and the Tip
Also, before using a plugin, I personally try to read all the other comments related to the plugin, it usually helps me, I recommend that to everyone.
these may help you.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
You brought up the use of the plugin in this discussion not me, so any discussion related to that plugin is entirely relevant to this discussion. But I understand what you are saying.
i'm glad we understand each other
and you are welcome in advance if any information provided to you proved insightful.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.