Please Help Me Set ShwaipBot 1.0.1 Up!
Hello V Gurus,
I love this forum platform very much. Trust me, this is the future of forums.
I have download Shwaipbot and have renamed the bot file in conf folder. But that's where it stops. i got all confused, don't know what else to do.
I have no knowledge of php and very little knowledge of html.
Please i need someone to help me set this up on my server (i would give you access).
Or you could just breaking in down for me here in simple instructions how to set it up. Pictorial would help.
Thanks a bunch. @Linc @R_J @vrijvlinder
This is a fairly advanced feature that I would NOT suggest using/configuring unless you have PHP experience.
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@hgtonight i understand the concept. if i can be helped to do it once, just set up a sample, i can carry on from there. i am a fast learner.
There are already examples. Look at the questions that have already been asked before:
This will be of special interest:
=> If you try, try it with comments. It will not work in discussions.
Nice and simple example: