Feedback Thread



  • Ooh, nifty!! And ah, I see - then it was working exactly correctly for me! Basic infinite scrolling did work.

    Sadly, this plugin got nixed by management. An SEO guy says it's not great for SEO and the users were not as jacked as I thought about it (turns out there were a few who really wanted it and many who did not :( )

  • If you are going to embed soon anyway, I'd also recommend against using this plugin.
    I also personally don't like it on most websites, it's was originally more of an experiment to see if it is possible. But it seems to fit some pages.

    It shouldn't hurt SEO though, as it is all progressive enhancement and doesn't modify vanillas paging.
    (Except for some marker elements it leaves the HTML untouched.)

  • hi @Bleistivt this is a great tool, however i have few questions i need to know.

    as per vanilla's current pagination , /p1 /p2 etc, will it affect the seo ranking's since some pages are indexed by google as per page.

    And if the user directly goes to /p2 on an existing link, will it go to that specific page in the pagination?

    does this support no-refresh that was present on vanilla 2.0 after someone submits some discussion comments?

    will this work on mobile?

    thank you if you have time to answer my simple questions :)

  • hello

    your infinite scrolling plugin hides alot of content from google ?

    cannot see it in html until I revert to pagination

  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator

    Please read my comment right above yours (including the first link) where I explain this.

    It's progressive enhancement, meaning it falls back to the standard pagination when JavaScript is disabled.

    Note that GoogleBot is actually much smarter, it doesn't just download the source code and even pages that are fully generated through JavaScript have been indexed by Google for years now.

    There should be no SEO concerns, enable this if your users like it.

  • Hello.

    Your plugin is useful.

    It would be great if we could only activate it for mobiles.

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