Announce post in a single fixed category
I have created a separate category where i want only announced post to appear. I want to do this in such a way that i don't change the main category of the post. So if post "abcdef" belongs to category "xyz". It can also belong to category "123" where it is announced without losing its initial "abcdef" category.
Please anyone know how i can achieve this? I'm just a beginner in web programming with full html and css knowledge
Sounds like a fairly simple modification to the ZeroCounts plugin:
We want a new endpoint called announcements. It should act like a normal discussion page. There should be a link in the discussion filter menu to see this page.
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@hgtonight i really appreciate your support and help. I get this so clearly. But how do i create the custom page where the result is displayed and how do i also set it as by default
I've done exactly as you instructed but now i have both announcement and zero comments posts on same page. Please how do i exclude the zero comments posts and have only announcements posts listed. Plus, how do i make the announcements page the default landing page
Setting the announcements page to default is the same as setting the default page to anything else.
You will need to modify the plugin to not show the zero counts. It will take some work on your part, but I believe the difficult part is done.
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Thank you so much. I'll try my best. I'm really grateful
But i really wish u can help further