Vanilla import stuck on Insert Tables

Hello y'all,

I am trying to do as follow:
1. download vanilla 2.2
2. install vanilla 2.2 locally (-> working fine)
3. use vanilla exporter on my phpbb forum
4. grab the exported file and put it in downloads
5. try the import script

And I get stuck on the Import Tables step. The red error box displays but it's empty (empty


Thanks for your help!



  • Try enabling debugging and see if you get an actual error message.

    Add $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your /conf/config.php file.

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  • hmalaudhmalaud New
    edited November 2015

    Thanks for the tip! I tried that but it seems I got the wrong line, now it leaves me with an error at least:

    ## /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/library/database/class.database.php(422)
    #0 [internal function]: Gdn_ErrorHandler(256, '', '/Users/hmalaud/...', 422, Array)
    #1 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/library/database/class.database.php(422): trigger_error('', 256)
    #2 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php(1663): Gdn_Database->query('insert GDN_Perm...', Array, Array)
    #3 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/library/database/class.sqldriver.php(1083): Gdn_SQLDriver->query('insert GDN_Perm...', 'insert')
    #4 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/applications/dashboard/models/class.importmodel.php(1074): Gdn_SQLDriver->insert('Permission', Array)
    #5 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/applications/dashboard/models/class.importmodel.php(826): ImportModel->insertPermissionTable()
    #6 [internal function]: ImportModel->insertTables()
    #7 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/applications/dashboard/models/class.importmodel.php(1664): call_user_func(Array)
    #8 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.importcontroller.php(87): ImportModel->runStep(8)
    #9 [internal function]: ImportController->go()
    #10 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php(329): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #11 /Users/hmalaud/Documents/Work/workspace/xboxygen/xboxygen-forum/index.php(44): Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch()
    #12 {main}
  • Was there anything above/below that trace?

    What version of PHP are you running?

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  • PHP version is 5.5.29, and this is the whole log in the box.
    I'm running a local apache/php version (el capitan default), could that be a problem?

  • Does your exported file have data in it?

    Instead of clicking on the button, you should middle click it to open it in a new tab, I think you will get the full error output that way.

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  • My export is a .gz file of 28Mo, containing a .txt file that contains data (~65Mo).
    You're talking about the "Start Import" button?

  • @hmalaud said:
    You're talking about the "Start Import" button?


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  • Well it only opens the same page in another tab ^^

  • Would you mind sharing the export file so I could test it?

    I understand if you don't.

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  • I can try, but is there a way so I can send it to you only maybe?

  • Sure, you can send me a message.

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  • Well mine gets block the step right before.

  • Update: I have (finally) been able to try to import on a live environment, and the import worked perfectly. This is an issue linked to my el Capitan native php/apache conf... Very boring.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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