Vanilla 2.2 Registration page help???

I manage to setup everything in vanilla 2.2 and synced it with a theme I bought from Envato market. Everything seems to be working just find, except the registration page. When I'm testing the site out, I click on the registration link and it opens up a new show. The only problem is that it only shows very basic html without any css attributes or even the recaptcha. It doesn't even include a button. How do I fix this? Been trying for about two days now.
Best thing would be to ask the person you bought the theme from. Since it is not open source, we are not able to look at the code and provide help.
Look inside the theme and delete all files in the views folder of the theme except the default.master.tpl and see if that will fix your problem. Make a back up of the theme first.
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I tried that, just left me with a blank page. The only thing there was the background for the theme
Look inside the application/dashboard/views folder and see if there is a default.master.php , if there is delete it. If that fixes it good if not turn on debug and post the error.
I would disable the theme and use the default theme, then disable the plugins you added all done in the config.php then delete the .ini files from the cache.
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hello, it didn't work. how do i turn on debug and post the error?
I'm new at this
Please read the docs or at the very least the tutorials .. Use the search here input your question " How to debug? " I mean really what is the point if a search bar if no one uses it .
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@keith101 does your forum work as expected with a the default baseline+ theme?
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@keith101, which theme did you bought?
I'm seeing exactly the same issue with the built in embed theme. 2.2 breaks the registration form. No formatting, no buttons and no BotStop or Captcha. Serious bug!
I had encountered that same problem some time ago. In my case it was the NocaptchaRecaptcha plugin. Disabling it solved it for me.