Roadmap for 2.3 and 2.4



  • LincLinc Admin
    edited May 2016

    When I click that link (which is rendered correctly in Vanilla), the URL renders properly in the browser and Vanilla responds to it correctly. That is what good Unicode support looks like.

    The encoding that happens when you copy/paste from a browser's URL bar is a function of the browser & operating system, not something Vanilla has control over.

  • Any plans to Autoload with PSR-4 , and Implements Namespacing?

  • LincLinc Admin

    @odannyc said:
    Any plans to Autoload with PSR-4 , and Implements Namespacing?

    Yes, we are slowly implementing this. The first several steps will be in 2.4. We are attempting to break as little as possible, so this is a slow and careful transition.

  • Hi everyone! I've looked through the plugins for the upcoming 2.3 release but couldn't see what I was looking for. Any chance the new version will have a bad word filter? I just changed to Vanilla from another script and really miss that bad word filter the other one had. I really don't like f-bombs in a professional environment and a bad word (profanity) filter sure would be nice. I did see an old plugin but it's not updated and so I doubt it works.

    If this was already answered, woops, sorry and please point me to it. :)

  • LincLinc Admin

    @data66 said:
    Any chance the new version will have a bad word filter?

    We forked Civil Tongue many years ago internally, made improvements, and neglected to release it back to open source. I've made myself a task for the 2-week sprint starting Monday to fix this. It'll pop up soon.

  • Really appreciate you taking time to answer on a holiday weekend. :) 2.3 sounds like it'll be great! Can't wait to see it. Holding back the temptation to ask the dreaded "when will it be released" that makes all developers cringe. Been there, done that many times at work as I'm Sales and Community Manager for a social networking script. Never fails that when we give a date, some last minute tweak can throw an oompa loompa in the works and set things back. Then we get the clients blasting the forum for "when is it, you said it's today, etc, etc.

    Have a great 4th!

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited July 2016

    Hi data66, your assumption that everyone celebrates the 4th of July doesn't take into account the globalisation (globalization ;-)... . Though I can see the merit of globally celebrating an event that created a model constitution (imperfect as it may be) for so much of the free world. If my memory serves me right, Vanilla is run by our good neighbors on the north.
    Seeing that you hold the role of "sales and..." I'm allowing myself to imagine you driving along the historic Route 66 and introducing yourself as data 66. Please don't break my image;-)

    Edit: Just noticed Linc is in Detroit, so the above doesn't make sense. Happy 4th to Linc and data66

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited July 2016

    @data66 said:
    Hi everyone! I've looked through the plugins for the upcoming 2.3 release but couldn't see what I was looking for. Any chance the new version will have a bad word filter? I just changed to Vanilla from another script and really miss that bad word filter the other one had. I really don't like f-bombs in a professional environment and a bad word (profanity) filter sure would be nice. I did see an old plugin but it's not updated and so I doubt it works.

    If this was already answered, woops, sorry and please point me to it. :)

    there is add-on called FilterStar that may work with the change included in this discussion, you would need to test.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Way cool! Thank you :)

  • Works great! I'll get it on the live site tomorrow. Spent too much time working on a plugin for Buffer so I can add that to my Vanilla site.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited July 2016


    will vanilla 2.4 do away with locale specific overrides completely e.g. conf/locale-de.php
    A scan of the master code it looks like it has gotten rid of lots of locale flexibility and seems to be migrating to add-on specific locales.

    the documentation says

    Overriding locales

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();

    // Note about what you're translating
    $Definition['TranslationString1'] = "Override String 1";
    $Definition['TranslationString2'] = "Override String 2";

    // More stuff
    $Definition['TranslationString3'] = "Override String 3";
    $Definition['TranslationString4'] = "Override String 4";

    You can override your default locale by adding a conf/locale.php file to your installation with additional definitions. Any definitions in this file will override your locale.

    If you duplicate an entry’s translation string, the latter one will take precedence. You can, however, assign the same override string to multiple translation strings.

    If you are using Multilingual to enable multiple locales, please note his override will effect all locales. There is currently no way to override multiple locales selectively.

    the bolded sentence appears to not jive with the possibilities of the current vanilla 2.2.1 and 2.3b1 (iirc) so I guess vanilla documentation is for open source master but not for vanilla 2.2.1 and is incorporating suggestions for deprecation.
    in locale.php

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • How high are the chances for 2.3x that a "limit the amount of words used in titles" feature in the Dashboard/Advanced tab gets implemented?

  • Are there any major new user facing features for 2.3 planned?
    How about 2.4?

    Greets from a fan

  • I hope there is guest posting like anonymouse plugin which doesnt work anymore.

  • @schindler -take a look at the incognito plugin (and read the instructions on the necessary setup). Not exactly the same, but avoids the spam and may be what you need

  • schindlerschindler New
    edited September 2016

    @&gt; @rbrahmson said:

    @schindler -take a look at the incognito plugin (and read the instructions on the necessary setup). Not exactly the same, but avoids the spam and may be what you need

    this not what i want, i want to guests can post. i think captcha reduces mostly spams.

  • Any idea when 2.3 will be stable I can't wait to start using it! <3

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2016

    I foresee 2.4 forking soon after 2.3 is released. We're nearing a product inflection point between Dashboard wrapping up and API v2 starting.

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