Troll Management plugin not working

I am having a problem with the Troll Management plugin which I got from here:
When I select a User I can't see anywhere to mark them as a troll in the options.
Plugin appears the the plugin list and is activated and the Shared Accounts (fingerprinting) is working fine.
Any ideas?
Vanilla version
Welcome to the community!
You should be able to mark users as a troll from their profile page.
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When marking users as trolls, go to the edit profile in the options on the user's profile that you want to mark. Then, click on Mark as Troll on the menu bar on the left. And please, @Atomigot when you ask a question about a specific plugin, go to the add on page and click Ask a Question
Using Vanilla 2.2.1 (free/ not paid)
I put the folder TrollManagement in my plugins folder.
I activated it on the dashboard.
I unlogged from the website, reopened it, and I see no option to mark users as 'Trolls' anywhere.
Is there something else I should do ?
Thanks !
You must be logged in as a moderator or administrator to use that function.
Yes of course I expected that. I deleted my cache folder and I don't see any 'Troll' option when I edit a user profile ;( any idea on how to debug this thing ? Is this plugin only working on paid vanilla ?
I briefly tested this plugin last week and I couldn't find any option to flag a user as "Troll" either. Was using a Vanilla 2.3 test build.
There's an error at line 382.
This should be removed in profileController_beforeProfileOptions_handler:
Now if you don't have any users marked as trolls on your forum, you'd never be able to mark an user as one!
Added a pull request to remove the check.
troll management version 1.2 works in vanilla 2.2.1
troll management 1.2.1 needs the fix by Caylus.
After Caylus's fix. the option is in the "dropdown options" after you go to to a user's profile page. it is NOT an option on the profile edit page itself.
you also need the permission Garden.Moderation.Manage to be checked for the moderator or admin in permissions to have the option (if for some reason it was unchecked).
you should also upgrade to vanilla 2.3 as well.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
Thanks, the fix worked properly !!