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Vanilla 2.7 will be along shortly



  • @Linc.. we've discussed some of this before... but if there are any changes with SSO with 2.7, it would be great if we could be pointed to documentation. I just recently (after months and months) finally successfully built a working proof of concept with vanilla 2.6, the latest WordPress, and some minor fixes to your wordpress plug-in. I may work up a tutorial on SSO and 2.6.. but it might be rendered invalid if there are changes in 2.7. Thx.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2018

    if there are any changes with SSO with 2.7, it would be great if we could be pointed to documentation.

    We make minor changes to SSO all the time. I believe there's at least 1 bug fix in 2.7 where we were accidentally enforcing our username validation rules over SSO (but I can't remember when that bug was introduced, so maybe open source never saw it).

    We have an SSO refactoring project in the works, but it's backwards compatible for the time being, and not ready to launch in 2.7 anyway.

    The trick about compatibility in a monolithic app is that I can't really guarantee anything unless I know exactly what you're doing and then compare that with our diffs for the last 6 months, which is very challenging. We're moving to an API-driven mentality precisely so that we can make those sort of guarantees in the future.

  • Thanks.. marked 'insightful'! The good news on our front (jsconnect, wordpress plug-in) is it looks / sounds like 2.7 will not require much rework for those that are using SSO in 2.6 in this way... which is good news. I'll look into the API stuff. thx.

  • @Linc do you have a date for the 2.7 opensource version?

  • Awesome! can't wait to see it. We've been looking for something better than phpbb for long enough.

  • So, it's been a moment.. how are things going?

    I've investigated every platform out there and not found anything promising for a phpbb switch yet.
    Do you have a dev diary or some other place you talk about 2.7's progress @Linc ?

  • @Linc a dit :
    2.7 release branch has forked and we've started using it on cloud. I expect the open source official release will be along shortly. The marquee feature is a brand new text editor with a new interface designed from the ground up. It's available as an addon, so you can move to it when you're ready, regardless of when you upgrade core. I should also note that file uploads in it are currently restricted to images, so you may not be quite ready to switch if your site does a lot of file swapping via comments.

    Full release notes will accompany the actual release.

    It also introduces new requirements for building Vanilla from scratch (we have a Javascript build process now in core), so please beware if you like living dangerously and want to grab the branch directly. You don't need to worry about this if you get the official release when it comes out.

    I'm really happy with this good news. I can not wait to see the new software.
    I really do not regret using vanilla much before in the past.
    It is a great software and well finalized.
    Congratulations for your wonderful work

  • I really do not regret using vanilla much before in the past
    It is a great software and well finalized.

    @Aldebaron I agree, and the emphasis is on "well finalized".

  • AldebaronAldebaron New
    edited November 2018

    Hello, is it possible to test version 2.7. I admit that it is very hard to wait. I think about it pretty much every day. I would like to know what we will be entitled to in the coming months and what design will have the basic theme.
    thank you in advance
    Best regards

  • @Aldebaron said:
    Hello, is it possible to test version 2.7. I admit that it is very hard to wait. I think about it pretty much every day. I would like to know what we will be entitled to in the coming months and what design will have the basic theme.
    thank you in advance
    Best regards

    You can test the current development version, but you would be disappointed because the new theme isn't in the public repo by now. Visually there are some minor changes in the dashboard and the new editor (in beta stage) can be seen and this editor is super slick!
    You can read about the new boilerplate theme here which most probably will be what the new theme will be built on, but since it is only the foundation, the screenshot in the blog post doesn't even have to look similar to the new theme...

    You can read about the way to build a working package from the master tree on GitHub here: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla#building-with-phing

  • @R_J a dit :

    @Aldebaron said:
    Hello, is it possible to test version 2.7. I admit that it is very hard to wait. I think about it pretty much every day. I would like to know what we will be entitled to in the coming months and what design will have the basic theme.
    thank you in advance
    Best regards

    You can test the current development version, but you would be disappointed because the new theme isn't in the public repo by now. Visually there are some minor changes in the dashboard and the new editor (in beta stage) can be seen and this editor is super slick!
    You can read about the new boilerplate theme here which most probably will be what the new theme will be built on, but since it is only the foundation, the screenshot in the blog post doesn't even have to look similar to the new theme...

    You can read about the way to build a working package from the master tree on GitHub here: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla#building-with-phing

    Thank you for your answer,
    I will wait, the exit. It's almost as hard as waiting for a birthday or Christmas. Do not you know when can you get ready for the next outing?
    I have a small idea of the work to do.
    Frankly bravo ... nice job
    Best regard

  • @Linc said:
    We're trying to stick to system emoji and see how that goes. The world seems to have standardized on Unicode, and we're trying to follow that trend rather than fight it.

    @Bleistivt said:

    @Linc Yes, with new communities, this would be the way to go for me too. But I'm talking about communities that have had custom smileys long before the term emoji became popular, communities that have integrated those smileys / symbols into their culture. They will hardly accept the change.

    I respect the decision to omit them from the standard package. That's why my question concerns extensibility.

    OMG.. just read it yet!! :scream:
    Emojis/Smilies are ESSENTIALY a part of individual Expression of "feelings"... :heart: in our Forum we are using it excessively... especially myself... :lol:
    Also just ONE Set of Emojis for all is... don't let me start to cry... :cry:
    So please reconsider... I'm 100% with @Bleistivt on this one... :+1:
    Always doing the "Standard way" reminds me of this Video... :lol:

    Let us Keep our own the little colored Spots in our Lives... :heart::lol::+1:

    And let me, as always, thank you for your GREAT work on this ForumWare... :+1: totally happy with it.. :heart:

  • Hi,
    Have we got a more precise date for the 2.7 release?

  • Nobody knows?

  • No, or they would have responded.

  • I understand his question because I ask the question almost every day.
    Highly the next release 2.7

  • When Vanilla devs have something to tell the community about releases they do so.

    Asking and asking won't make anything happen more quickly.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited December 2018

    I apologize for the long delay. We were trying to make progress on making open source releases part of our team process this year, and we obviously didn't accomplish that. Rest assured development hasn't paused, it's purely a logistical problem about doing final releases. I may do a release on my own time over the holiday. If I don't accomplish that, we'll likely skip to 2.8 in February.

  • Unless it is critical don't sweat about it.

    I wonder if people are really interested in some feature, or if it just the anticipation of something about to happen.

    Enjoy the holiday.

    grep is your friend.

  • @Linc

    Seriously, you should enjoy some down time with your family.

    Vanilla needs a fresh Linc more than a hasty release.

    Have a great holiday.

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