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After Upgrading to Vanilla 3.2 (HTTP ERROR 500)

I recently upgraded the files in my forums with latest version but I am getting HTTP ERROR 500. Cannot run getting same error.
Check my site here
Can anybody assist me with resolving this issue.
The 500 error is a server error and you need to search for your Web servers log files to get more information on it
Where I can get the Web Server Log files....????
Search in the folder structure, maybe you find a folder called "log". If not, ask your hoster.
I just out a file called error log. It is attached please take a look and fix this issue.
Which PHP extensions do you have active?
Which PHP version are you using?
I am using PHP 7.2. I don't know about the extension.
Looking through the logs, it looks like the error occurs, when the config source trys to load some cached file. Did you clear you cache after upgrading? There's generally a few upgrade steps required besides just copying over the new files:
I did clear the folders as per the instructions in your referring page. But yet I face this error.
Can I get a reply on how to resolve the issue. You provide forum platform but it is so broken always gives error on update . I wonder how i can handle customers with type of platform and support team.
Your comment seem a little unfair.
That would be a free platform and free support.
You are frustrated, I get it :-)
If you set up a test forum/domain with 3.2 clean-installed, do you then still get errors?
This reminds me, I need to share my setup and workflow that ensures me a near flawless upgrade.
You absolutely need to reinstall or check folder permissions. From your log you are missing some connections.
I think to get the kind of support team you are looking for to help your own customers, you need to be a Vanilla paying member. And there is a special forum for that IIRC.
I just took my time to answer you as I am a volunteer here.
I tried test and its showing Version 3.2 Installer page
I reuploaded the old files and then again uploaded the new vanilla 3.2. Now on running utility/update I got this error message
The update was not successful.
Check this latest error log
Help Help Help .........
What you describe here is not a clean-install.