Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help



  • pioc34pioc34 ✭✭
    edited October 2022

    If you are running nitro porter on laragon in local to connect to your online flarum db, i think this is your problem.

    Install flarum and nitra porter in laragon or flarum and nitro porter online.

  • I am doing everything locally...

  • @plymplan I believe your database connection is timing out. While Nitro Porter does attempt to lift your PHP execution time & memory limits, it doesn't currently attempt to change MySQL's timeout settings. I suggest attempting to set it much higher.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2022

    I've looked at the config for that parser and cannot figure out what's going on here. Some HTML is parsing for you and some isn't. It looks like an h1 (with a class), div (with a class), and br all won't parse. But the div and br are definitely allowlisted in the formatter. I dunno why h1 isn't but I could fix that easy enough. I suspect this is going to take me a bit longer to sort out.

  • Hey, I am just looking into this now for my forum, I will give nitro-porter a go!

  • Hate to do it, but I think there`s sadly no other way for me... 😥

    So If you have i9nsights about the migration to Flarum, please share with us here, @jamesinc :thumbs:

  • Same, I've been using Vanilla since 2006 and have contributed a few addons and bugfixes over the years but I dunno there's so little certainty about what kind of support the OSS community is going to get going forward and I'd rather migrate my forums on my terms rather than after the fires start.

  • Depends on the hosting

    I'm on a shared service (SiteGround) and I'm running Flarum. They do offer ssh connection which is required.

    My forum is now better than ever thanks to the kind users who helped me, (@Linc and @R_J.)

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited November 2022

    @Everybody who transitionend to Flarum:

    Would you like to share your steps, or problems you run into? ThX.. 👍️

  • I have a site made with flarum, it is unused but still online, to install it on the shared service what I did was to install it on my local server, then upload it to the shared service and change the configuration parameters, I never had any problems. The current installed version is 0.1.0-beta.15 and the times that I updated it I did it again in my local server and then I synchronized it with the shared service.

  • JoZ3_69JoZ3_69
    edited November 2022

    Hello, today I started to do some migration tests of my forum, I am doing it from the apache server that I have installed on my pc (linux), I have already installed the latest version of flarum with the plugins that I require and that are compatible with those of vanilla, those listed in the list of nitro-porter. I have already configured the source database and the destination database, but when I do the procedure, the nitro-porter is blank and in the php error log I get this:

    [21-Nov-2022 08:34:22 America/Bogota] PHP Notice: pdo extension not found. in /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/Database/DbFactory.php on line 42
    [21-Nov-2022 08:34:22 America/Bogota] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "\Porter\Database\pdoDb" not found in /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/Database/DbFactory.php:45
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/ExportModel.php(652): Porter\Database\DbFactory->getInstance()
    #1 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/ExportModel.php(498): Porter\ExportModel->executeQuery('show table stat...')
    #2 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/ExportModel.php(458): Porter\ExportModel->query('show table stat...')
    #3 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/Controller.php(25): Porter\ExportModel->setCharacterSet('Comment')
    #4 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/Controller.php(106): Porter\Controller::doExport(Object(Porter\Source\Vanilla2), Object(Porter\ExportModel))
    #5 /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/index.php(12): Porter\Controller::run(Object(Porter\Request))
    #6 {main}
     thrown in /home/myuser/www/nitro-porter/src/Database/DbFactory.php on line 45

    I check and I have the latest version of php installed and the pdo drivers active. any idea where I may be going wrong?

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited December 2022

    as @JoZ3_69, I started porting to Flarum yesterday... all kinds of trouble, but did manage to come till

    the Porter Startsite.

    But when I press "START" I get an 500 Server Error... 😥

    Tried to drop in Porter Folder from Github ZIP File (not working), after that installed with Composer in the same Folder (than got Porter Startsite) !

    I have:

    Have a virtual Private Server instance with full CLI

    PHP 8.1.13 (and PHP7.4 for Vanilla Forum)

    Vanilla Forum V3.3

    PDO Mysql Drivers enabled

    Using ISPconfig, I have to swith from PHP 7.4 (for my working vanilla forum) to PHP8.1 (for Porter)

    In the Webroot Folder I have my old Vanilla Forum, new installed and working Flarum Forum, and Porter in separate folders

    Have changed all files and folders Permissions to 755 with WINscp

    Tried with (GDN_ and without any prefix)

    my Config.php:

    return [
        'debug' => false,
        'test_alias' => 'test',
        'connections' => [
                'alias' => 'source',
                'type' => 'database',
                'adapter' => 'mysql',
                'host' => 'localhost',
                'port' => '3306',
                'name' => 'vanillaforum',
                'user' => 'root',
                'pass' => 'password',
                'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
                'options' => [
                    PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => false, // Critical for large datasets.
                'alias' => 'test',
                'type' => 'database',
                'adapter' => 'mysql',
                'host' => 'localhost',
                'port' => '3306',
                'name' => 'flarumforum',
                'user' => 'root',
                'pass' => 'password',
                'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
                'options' => [
                    PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => false, // Critical for large datasets.

    Any Help is appreciate..

    After successfully porting, I`ll do a "Step by Step" manual, how I did it (IF it hopefully will be successful)

    Thanx in advance.. ;)😘👍️

  • If you have the same problem I had, check github for the solution -, and you can use that same site to report the problems you are having

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited December 2022

    Sadly it is not the same error, @JoZ3_69 ...

    When I hit "START" it goes directly to an 500 Error Site...

    Do you know, where I can look for errors? Cause the Manual is saying, that it logs AFTER it completes the migration?

    Not shure if it is the switching between different PHP Versions, cause Vanilla 3.3 works just with PHP7.4 and to get Porter working, I have to switch to PHP 8.1

    Or is there a better Manual for COMPOSER CLI so a beginner could understand? So I could try that way...

    ThX.. 👍️

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited December 2022

    So finally I found a way to port my forum to Flarum... 😎

    I used a alternative Software to Lincs Nitro porter!

    Te Result is still a mess, but the base data is ported... 🤘 thats enough for me...

    In the ported Database I still have Formatting issues, or not converted Emojis, but that I can fix directly in MySQL

    So HERE you`ll find the "Tutorial"

    So THANK YOU EVEREBODY SO MUCH for always helping me here, when I had troubles with my forum...❤️

  • I just discovered today I wasn't receiving notification for comments/PRs on the project, so apologies for the inattention. I was concentrating on my day job the last few weeks and had little energy in my free time to investigate issues. I'm preparing a new release now with a few improvements.

  • Full migration, whitout major issues apparently. For now solve the comments with html format.

  • For now solve the comments with html format.

    @JoZ3_69 Are you running into a similar formatting issue as @pioc34's import above?

  • OK, that's a fairly deep problem, so it might be a few more weeks til I have a stretch of time to figure it out. The two worst kinds of problems to have in a migration tool are performance-related or post formatting-related. 😅

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