To-do List 1.3



  • edited June 2006
    This is related to the server move I think. DNS Move.

    I have the same problem with on other add-on Mark should be working on it.
  • oh ok, well i guess ill just wait :P or if jazzman reads this can you send me the files or something
  • I like Mini's idea, group tasks. Awesome addon. Will be very useful on my forum, which I am using to keep track of bugs/projects. This fits in perfectly.
  • Version 1.2 is ready, but I can't upload it yet (server-move problems I guess). The following changes have been added:

    Version 1.2 - 20.06.2006, Jazzman
    - Add category sorting
    - Now utilizes the extesion.php file
    - Changed PNG icons to GIF because IE can't handle transparency
    - Fixed calendar bug for IE: changed button to image and changed calendar div name
    - Moved ajax scripts into seperate directory
    - Changed clock icon to a bell icon which is more suitable for alerts :)

    Also, I'm happy to announce that I'm working on a Project extension, which smoothly integrates with Vanilla's discussions, categories and ofcourse the to-do list :)
  • Ok, I've uploaded version 1.2 :)
  • $Context->Dictionary['ErrToDoItemNotFound'] = 'Could not find the requested To-do item'; you had requisted, im assuming you meant requested
  • also could we use

    $NoticeCollector->AddNotice("To Do Task : <b>$ToDoItem->Task</b><div style='float: right;'><a href='index.php?PostBackAction=CompleteTask&ToDoID=$ToDoItem->ID'>Completed/Cancel</a></div> <br />Due Date: Today &nbsp; ");

    it looks so much nicer :P no offence
  • Haha! No problem immersion! All suggestions are welcome :)
  • Thx for a great addon! Small issue: I use a custom language file, but the "Reorder tasks" and "Done reordering" texts are not customizable. i found them (and changed them) in the code, perhaps this could be fixed for a future version?
  • hi. i get this error, when i enable the To-Do list. Notice: Undefined index: REWRITE_extension.php in /www/htdocs/thascrip/vanilla/library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php on line 453
  • Hi philip. Edit your appg/settings.php en look for '// url rewriting definitions
    Add the following line:$Configuration['REWRITE_extension.php'] = 'extension/';
  • thx a lot!!!!
  • Hey there I have this installed along with FriendlyURL's And this seems to prevent To-Do from working ... whenever you click the tab it goes straight back to the Discussions page I get no error output, and I tried the note that Jazzman gave to PhilippK ... but that didn't seem to help, I just got a 403 Forbidden page error Any thoughts?
  • this is so cool. simple, useful and effective
  • big respect for this extension!
  • Okay ... I've got this problem now . :( - gives a 404 not found error - works fine Yes I've modified the appg/settings.php file Yes I'm running friendly URL's Any thoughts?
  • edited July 2006
    add this line to .htaccess:RewriteRule ^extension/$ extension.php [QSA,L]
  • Fantastic .. you are a legend :) THanks it's all working fine now
  • Hey - first up, kudos and props for the work you've done on this. I'm trying to get this up and running, but for some reason, it's not working for me. I'd upgraded from Vanilla 0.92 to Vanilla 1, found a really weird problem with my installation after installing some extensions whereby the settings page wasn't writing properly after saving settings changes - it was writing updated settings after the ?> in the settings file, so the settings were coming out as text at the top of a page - so I deleted all the files and went through the upgrade process again. First time round, "to do" was one of the extensions that seemed to work. After the 2nd upgrade, I couldn't get it to do anything. I could enable it in the extensions page, but no tag would appear. I took a quick look in the database - no table either... I've logged in and out - no tab appears. I've deleted the extension and the reference to it in the conf/settings.php file, and uploaded again - no joy. I'm using version 1.2 of this extension, and I don't have the rewrite / friendly url extension running (afaik ;) Any suggestions, anyone? Thanks in advance...
  • how does this work ? i don't see it anywhere after I installed it
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