A nice integrated calendar: someone develop it!

I'd be willing to throw some dollars at someone to develop something that did the following: - displayed a weekly calendar at the top of the main discussions page with events listed by titles on their appropriate days - allowed someone to post a discussion as an event - e.g. - you can add a date to a discussion that will simply mark it on the calendar - made it integrate nicely and easy to install. I'd do it myself but I'm a phptard. So yeah, figure out what you want for it, set up a Dropcash campaign and let's do this thing. I've been waiting to switch off phpBB for years now and can't until this extension is written :(


  • Like this: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=127635
  • And I know there's the Google Calendar extension but I want something that is seamlessly integrated and mad easy to use.
  • your icon is hilarious. i am phptard as well, but I wish I wasn't. Then I would be a lot cooler on this board
  • A friend (that is one of the best PHP developers I know) has offered to give it a shot! Here's the dev URL: http://www.northparkcreative.com/vanilla_dev/ He asked that I include the following caveats: - It is a DEV site meaning things will be broken - The calendar isn't hooked up to the database or topics right now, it is just dummy info What a great start though. I'm going to throw him some bucks when it is finished - whisper me if you want his Paypal address to make a contribution.
  • I'll throw him some cash aslo. I'll get the details in a moment, but, how long do you think until it is all done?
  • I was wondering if it would be possible to integrate what he has with the sidepanel calendar... It would be cool to have both. http://lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=127
  • Hey guys. I'd be happy to integrate a small side calendar after I finish the rest of the functionality. The main problem right now is going through all of this documentation to grasp the best methods of setting everything up. Currently I am trying to connect the new additions to the "New Discussion" form to save the event data in a new table. The aesthetics are pretty much complete for the calendar and form. I'll keep everyone posted!
  • Hey Guys, Thought you should know that it pretty much works now on the demo forum. The code is messy (not using their built in class/control options for SQL queries and such), but it runs! Lots to do but the bulk is rocking out.
  • You are a fucking rock star!
  • The DCalendar extension is just a javascript to compute the current day and display it in the current month's calendar. I suppose you could post-process the javascript result, but it looks like this integrated calendar already has it down pat. :)
  • I cant wait to see this finished, I could deffinately use this! You rock.
  • Dont forget linkable dates and events with SEO friendly URLs. Also the calendar should be accesible for reference when posting new messages.
  • prince_of_oreon, great idea on being able to reference the calendar in messages. I'll look into throwing that in the mix. So far there are still bugs, but it is looking sweet! I will try to setup an official page for the extension so you can all see progress/bug fixes/donation/download/etcetera sometime soon. Thanks for the support so far!
  • I'm using it now! Aside from a few little bugs, it is AWESOME!
  • It needs a little css and javascript make up :)
  • Any update on the progress of this? I would really like to use it. Maybe a Beta release or something.
  • seems to me having just a plain calendar with no events is boring and serves no purpose, what good is a calendar unless its displaying some events, everyone knows what the date is already. A calendar event system is the way to go
  • That is basically what that is. There are the dates, yes, but the events are all expired. Have a look at previous weeks.
  • I see now that is cool, SMF calendar is made as a menu to a page so you click on it and it displays the full calendar with events, could do the same with Vanilla, make it a tab
  • It's coming along nicely ladies and gents. I expect to setup a beta site for it in the coming week or so -- still flushing out a few tweaks. Markle Sparkle is my first official beta-tester and so far things seem to be a-o-k! Lots of improvements and enhancements to make, but she's almost ready for an initial test period. I'll post here when it's up and available!
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