Real programmers use neither of the two nor BBEdit or any text editor because they don't write (x)html at all, they write objects to do the job: // Note: This file is included from the LanguageSelector extension UserLanguageForm control.
include ($this->Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] . '../lib/web_objects.php');
$bloc = div("Form", "Account Identity");
if ($this->PostBackValidated) $bloc->add(div("Success", false, $this->Context->GetDefinition('BiblioPrefsSaved')));
$fieldset = $bloc->add(fieldset());
$ul = $fieldset->add(ul());
$li = $ul->add(li());
$li->add(label('ddLanguage', 0, $this->Context->GetDefinition('ChangeLanguage')));
$li->add(p('Description', $this->Context->GetDefinition('ChangeUserLanguageNotes')));
$div = $fieldset->add(div('testIDdiv', 'Submit'));
$div->add(input('submit', 'btnSave', $this->Context->GetDefinition('Save'), 'Button SubmitButton')); //input
$div->add(a(GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, $this->Context->SelfUrl), 'CancelButton', $this->Context->GetDefinition('Cancel')));
$fieldset->add('</form>'); //closing form open in Get_PostBackForm()
$bloc->render(); Half-kiddind, only…
i was just looking for why people were using one program over the other. i wanted to talk about functionality and opinion, not a definitive answer. don't be a naysayer, wanderer : )
I can't say I've had the pleasure of running GoLive before, however I have had the rather large displeasure of running Dreamweaver...
I use just about any text editor that has syntax highlighting, line numbers and decent indentation support.
I use FrontPage (no extensions) for HTML layouts, but Notepad++ the rest of the time. Used to use HTML-Kit. I use my own PHP-based template system. I hate web editors that create websites that are hard to modify with other software. I come across so many websites where one link change requires that I update 10-15 separate pages.
My job consists of doing website development 75% of the time.
While I have a licensed copy of GoLive CS2, I'd rather use the latest Dreamweaver for application and site prototyping. I don't have a civil or objective opinion about Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium. In addition to receiving no customer support from Adobe, I've encountered simply too many software defects to endorse Adobe's core line of products. That said, Illustrator and InDesign are not nearly as defective as Bridge and GoLive.
Marketing and public relations is undergoing a transformation that is shifting how professionals interact with customers and other stakeholders. In fact, there is significant interest from the public relations community in Web 2.0 and, in particular, the replacement of the traditional press release with blogs. There's little sense in using the press to interact with our markets when we can directly interact with the people who matter.
How does this relate to "Dreamweaver vs. GoLive"? I don't see a need for either product. I use and advocate WordPress for web work along with custom extensions and source modifications to the extent that the WordPress-powered website doesn't look like a typical WordPress-powered blog.
I agree. I'm in the process of trying to convince the company I work with the move our clientele to wordpress. However, in the meantime, considering 85% of those clients do not have php access, we use different methods to keep the sites updated. All though, if Swell would come out, we could start building extensions for it to replace Wordpress' CMS capabilities. And by "we could start building extensions," I mean Jazzman and Mark.
well I remember using golive it wasn't too bad then dreamweaver took its place, yea I hate the code that both of them produce but you can always replace the js with more simpler coding, DM is great for checking the pages and keeping track IMHO far better than golive, I think the amateurs use golive but if you want to be pro about it use dreamweaver because its more for advanced users golive is just a touch beter than frontpage but not by much ;-)
news bullet > todays high-tech mountain climbing full length rappel are as durable as plastic kids skipping rope but costs more, high-tech is a fancy marketing term to mean high class crap made in ding ho province
Frontpage has worked just fine for me for layout. I then plug in the CSS, coding, Javasacript, and anything else with a standard Notepad++ editor. Nothing wrong with that. I've dealt with some terrible websites that were created with Dreamweaver too that were a pain in the neck to update. But that fairs well for me because I get paid to fix websites like that. :-)
// Note: This file is included from the LanguageSelector extension UserLanguageForm control. include ($this->Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] . '../lib/web_objects.php'); $bloc = div("Form", "Account Identity"); if ($this->PostBackValidated) $bloc->add(div("Success", false, $this->Context->GetDefinition('BiblioPrefsSaved'))); $fieldset = $bloc->add(fieldset()); $fieldset->add(legend('testIDlegend',0,$this->Context->GetDefinition('BiblioPrefsManagement'))); $fieldset->add($this->Get_Warnings()); $fieldset->add($this->Get_PostBackForm('frmBiblioPrefsChange')); $ul = $fieldset->add(ul()); $li = $ul->add(li()); $li->add(label('ddLanguage', 0, $this->Context->GetDefinition('ChangeLanguage'))); $li->add($this->LanguageSelect->Get()); $li->add(p('Description', $this->Context->GetDefinition('ChangeUserLanguageNotes'))); $div = $fieldset->add(div('testIDdiv', 'Submit')); $div->add(input('submit', 'btnSave', $this->Context->GetDefinition('Save'), 'Button SubmitButton')); //input $div->add(a(GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, $this->Context->SelfUrl), 'CancelButton', $this->Context->GetDefinition('Cancel'))); $fieldset->add('</form>'); //closing form open in Get_PostBackForm() $bloc->render();
Half-kiddind, only…
As I said above somewhere, ain't nuffin definitive gonna come out of this discussion, it's all up to personal preference.
personal preference is almost always bias
Wow, you should be running for president with that insightful statement
I was simply saying how obviously obvious that statement was, of course personal preference is going to be biased.
In fact I said you were not going to get a definitive answer because it is a personal preference.
Both tools do the job, which one to use is the one that works for you.
I said I prefer GoLive and gave my reasons, the "naysayer" responded with "I hate GoLive"...
A bit like comparing high-tech mountain climbing full length rappel with a plastic kids' skipping rope!