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To-do List 1.3



  • its a tab menu, if you have pagemanager then you need to resync the tabs
  • v.1.2. when i'm logged in everything works splendidly, but when i log out this two lines pop out. Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /usr/local/projects/f/extensions/ToDo/default.php on line 51 Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /usr/local/projects/f/extensions/ToDo/default.php on line 64 Changed the lines ... 51: from: if (!mysql_query($ToDoDrop, $Context->Database->Connection)) $Errors = 1; to: if ($Context->Database->Connection && !mysql_query($ToDoDrop, $Context->Database->Connection)) $Errors = 1; 61: from: if (!mysql_query($ToDoCreate, $Context->Database->Connection)) $Errors = 1; to: if ($Context->Database->Connection && !mysql_query($ToDoCreate, $Context->Database->Connection)) $Errors = 1; .. and the problem is gone.
  • I just enabled this extension and now the 'members' list is showing up beneath the todo list. Which is weird. Any ideas?
  • Thank you for developing this extension, Maurice. I am highly anticipating the remaining features on your to-do list. The San Diego Chapter of the International Game Developers Association uses Vanilla internally as an organizational tool; therefore, a task management extension is in great demand. Keep up the great work!
  • I'm still trying to wrap my gums around this, what purpose does this extension serve ? any examples ?
  • My god this is sweet, works like a charm!

    Thank you so much for this addon!
  • Request: Option to postpone the event or change due date from discussion front page (when event has expired).
  • I, personally, can not wait until a) we can send to-do items to other users and b) we can make Public and Private to-do lists

    My question on the public/private todo list, does this apply to the whole list, or just specific tasks? Also, is it public as in ALL can see, or only those who have a set permission?
  • I had a thought about a useful feature for the to do extension, how about setting it up where we can have README notices asigned to new members and clicking complete means they read it, and have the ability to create new readme items, this might be better than having sticky's
  • edited September 2006
    What about having a shared todo list between the members of a role (or a list of role) ? It would be very cool (example for a wow forum, having an officer todo-list, as anybody in this role could do the job !)... ^_^ EDIT: well, I haven't correctly read the first post, sorry, it's in the roadmap :)
  • but it should be out by now : )
  • Sorry, is this feature out now? I would like the To-Do lists to be shareable with other members. Or between a ROLE type, such as MEMBERS. Thanks!
  • +1 for sharable todo-lists! Between role members is probably best. Perhaps even a version that was compatible with the multiple roles extension?
  • All my extensions are on hold until I've finished the new themes/style/extension for Vanilla :)
  • : ( snap!
  • "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
    Anything your heart desires will come to you
    If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
    When you wish upon a star as dreamers do."
  • are there well known issues for a "not -appering/working" - todo list extension?
  • Hi Jazzman, Any updates on this extension, such as share-able between users? Just curious, I'm not personally in a hurry.
  • I am, damn it : )
  • edited December 2006
    Hey guys,

    I had some spare time and updated the To-do list. It's now shareable by using roles. I'd like to hear your comments :)

    Download: To-do list 1.3

This discussion has been closed.