Dismiss announced discussion = gone forever

LincLinc Admin
edited December 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
If I Dismiss an announced Discussion, it's just plain gone. It doesn't go back into the sequence of discussions; I can never find it again. This seems undesirable. What if I'm just trying to make it not "stuck" anymore?


  • I think that's the Unannounce option, right?
  • Yeah I dismissed all the announced discussions while under the impression they would just fall into the place of normal discussions after doing so and was surprised to see they were just gone. Doesn't seem like a good result at all.
  • @oinkfu - No, that unannounces it for everyone. That's an admin option, not the normal "I read that now go away" option.
  • oh I see whats going on...
  • You're able to see it once it unannounced by the admin.

    That's, indeed, tricky behavior.
  • Oh that makes sense though, I rather like that.
  • @oinkfu You like that the thread disappears for a member between them dismissing it and the admin unannouncing it? What if, like me, you just meant to make it not be at the top of the list and now can no longer refer to it at all?
  • @Lincoln Just a personal thing, I obviously use the announcements differently. But, I would say there should be some sort of option for this feature to decide how it works on your site.
  • Eh, I'd rather it stayed the way it is than add an option. I try to make suggestions that I think will be less confusing, not that add complexity.
  • It's just that, for me, I hate having those sticky+closed threads appear at the top of the page all the time, so if you dismiss it, hiding it until it's un-sticky'd (or unannounced) - that makes a lot of sense to me. Obviously if it's a discussion that I'm interested in, I wouldn't dismiss it, so the system in place would work well imo.
  • Sorry I'm just testing..
  • The problem is that, if you dismiss now it is gone forever, you cant even find it with search.
  • I agree with @Lincoln. For example, if an admin posts new rules or something as an announcement, after a while of seeing the same message on the discussions page, you would most likely dismiss it. Right? So say, you forget part of a rule, and you want to remember what it said, how do you go about finding that rule again if once you dismiss a discussion it disappears forever? You don't.

    Just my thoughts on this!
  • TexTex
    edited January 2010
    @mark Why not show a "dismissed" link under Discussions if a user has dismissed some? Or a tab under the users profile.

    I had to bookmark an announcement because I wanted to know what the dismiss option does. :-(
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That is a bug that I was hoping no-one would ever notice. We have to make the discussion query much more complicated if we want the behavior everyone is asking for.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited January 2010
    I'm not advocating adding options or tabs, just simply re-inserting it into the normal flow of discussions.

    //edit: Mark replied while I was sitting here with the Discussion open. Didn't see it until after I'd typed that.
  • So we're down to ignoring it, mucking up the query (which I assume impacts the site speed), or mucking up the interface with a way of getting to dismissed announcements. I don't like any of the options... so I'll try to think of another.
  • Further complication: If you Dismiss an Announcement as the admin... you can never Unannounce it because it's gone.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Well, you can create another account with admin rights, and unannounce it there.

    It's cumbersome, but it should work.
  • @bean I think that may just work...
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