MVPbusinessdad MVP
Re: No event on clicking on the button "change schedule"
:+1: (View Post)1 -
Re: Cannot install AT ALL
What about a web host refusing to upgrade from PHP 5.2? It's a digression, but on topic at the same time. :) (View Post)1 -
Re: Is there a way to make a user account undeletable?
Aaaaaaand you will get a nice infinite recursion! :D (View Post)4 -
Re: The best way to prevent spam board!
not evaluated virtually all different alternatives = nevada don't accept kind offers to administrators = dakota and so on... (View Post)1 -
Re: New (experimental) feature in the AFC plugin - Event handler priority
@peregrine I think he meant the following: com·mit·tee noun A group of people paid a lot of money to spend an insane amount of time discussing topics they don't know anything about, to finally make i… (View Post)1