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Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

Not available in Softaculous yet, when will it be?

Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

How do we switch from version 3.3 to version 4.1?

You just upgrade in the normal way.

Remember though this is RC1 version for developers to test and not for production forums, you will need to wait for the stable version to be released for that.

Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

How do we switch from version 3.3 to version 4.1?

Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

@Kun YAGA is a community project, currently maintained by @Bleistivt ^^

"Reactions" in 4.0 are made by the Vanilla team, and was closed source (only available for Cloud clinets) until 4.0rc1 ^^

As I see it, if you want Reactioins only now, it would be a little bit overkill to use YAGA, as it features a lot more that just Reactions. But if you want to use a complete gamification system, YAGA may be the option.

Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

Big improvements to SEO with title tags and canonical tags displaying as they should unlike 3.3

Not sure about the meta description appearing twice on the homepage though. The title is there twice as well.

Also it would not install with my first choice of database password that included a '&' permission denied (tried 3 times) but installed ok with a simpler password

Re: Can I Make New Comments Appear at the Top of the Comments Right After You Click "Post Comment"

@Swennet said:
Anyway, I had a quick look for you and found the solution. In your forum folder open /applications/vanilla/js/discussion.js

Then on line 182 find
$(json.Data).appendTo('ul.Comments,.DiscussionTable').effect("highlight", {}, "slow");

Replace appendTo with prependTo. Done!

It should be noted however, that this is a 'hack'. You will have to edit this file manually every time you update Vanilla, because it will be overwritten on update.

Based on what you've found I have taken a look at the file and the context around that line is this:

if (gdn.definition('PrependNewComments') == '1') {
    $('ul.Comments li:first').effect("highlight", {}, "slow");
} else {
    $(json.Data).appendTo('ul.Comments,.DiscussionTable').effect("highlight", {}, "slow");

This seems like it should be possible to change the sort order by a definition. If you search for "PrependNewComments" you'll find that it is only used in the embed method of class.discussioncontroller.php:

// Ordering note for JS
if ($SortComments == 'desc') {
    $this->addDefinition('PrependNewComments', '1');

Since it is only used in embed(), we cannot influence this behavior simply by changing the config. We have to add that value "manually". Put the lines below in a plugin or a theme hooks file and you are done!

public function discussionController_render_before($sender, $args) {
    $sender->addDefinition('PrependNewComments', '1');

Re: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

Hi 😁

I'm currently holding to my butt ! Can't wait to get the production release 😋

Let's try it out on my localhost yet.

Thanks for the work !


Definitly not for production use 😂


Solved by disabling Rich Editor ^^'

Re: I am running version 2021.012 but dashboard wont show

So I have been able to port to Flarum but man this software looks like it's on life support. There are not many themes not many plugins.. I feel like this software is like a year away from the same death!

Aprechate the help though with nitroporter its a great application!

FYI: can be used for addthis also

If you replace the code between the single quotes:

$Code = ' ';

and replace it with the code you can get from addthis here: (click the "website" radio button) then this plugin can be used to insert the addthis social plugin.

Example of usage in real world here:

I tried it with several addthis button variations and they all worked fine.