What is the time line for Vanilla 2.0

When do we expect the offical 2.0 Release?
Is there a FAQ about 2.0 yet.
What I have seen may change my plans for this winter.
Is there a FAQ about 2.0 yet.
What I have seen may change my plans for this winter.
And now when i already signed in: Is it recommended to install the Vanilla 2 Beta or I better wait? Can you already say if upgrading from the beta version to the final 2.0 will be possible without a lot of effort?
Just have a look at Blizzard's attitude - it's done when it's done!
I have a project I'm working on and I'd love to use Vanilla 2 for it, but if it's going to be much longer than 1-2 weeks before release we might just have to go with punBB
I am patiently waiting.... Actually I cant wait until it comes out! GO MARK!
My project wants to use vanilla 2 (integrate it), but we can't (and don't want to) if it is still in beta.
I am not asking to hurry up, I'm just asking if there is any date known so that i know what to expect
That's how development has been going for the last few weeks (when I've had time to sit down and get development done). I do see the end, though. Pretty soon we'll be able to sit down and devote time strictly to the bug list and hammer through the remaining items.