What is the time line for Vanilla 2.0



  • bobthemanbobtheman
    edited February 2010
    im waiting for an official v2 beta release, as long as there will be upgrade paths to the final release of v2 then i will use beta's immediately and update as time goes on.
  • Rather than, "when will it be ready?", perhaps the question(s) could be answered, "How done is it?" 50%? 75%? 80%? Or, is all the major work done, and is it down to bug fixing and ironing out wrinkles yet? Or are you still looking to add entirely new feature sets?
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    When creating a work of art, you release it when you think it's complete...not necessarily on a certain deadline. :P
  • oh we have waited enough. PLEASE release it now!
  • edited April 2010

    You could always download an alpha build just to get used to it?

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