What is the time line for Vanilla 2.0



  • What's it waiting for primarily ?
    I assume that the CSS thingey you posted is the most important, and further ? Only bugs?

    In other words, can I use it already (with Single Sign-On) on my own website, and later upgrade? (and the extensions/adjustments I make will just be plugins of-course.)
  • You can use it on your website and it's highly likely that you can seamlessly upgrade as it progresses, but I don't recommend it quite yet. A couple of the bugs are serious.
  • What are those bugs? Is there an overview?
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited December 2009

    My foremost concern at the moment is a bug that prints the database password in the error report if there's a connection error. I don't know what other features @Mark and @Todd are adding, but I'm soon going to assembling a list of which bugs minimally need to be closed before I'm comfortable using it in production.

    Also, the Roadmap: http://vanillaforums.org/page/ProductRoadMap
  • @niek FYI, the password bug I just mentioned above was just fixed by Mark. This conversation reminded me to point it out as high-priority, cheers.
  • Thanks for the information :)
    I'm going to add Vanilla to my own system in a few weeks, I don't know if it's finished but I'll upgrade if necessarily. I have a few extension to do before I can use it, so that's the work I'll be dealing with first.

    I hope the SSO system won't change in future upgrades?
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited December 2009
    @niek I think it's extremely unlikely the SSO system would be substantially altered, nor would I expect major database structure changes at this point.
  • May I suggest using wapiti against all your release candidates just to see if it can find any problems with your code.

  • Whenever I see this "lussumo pushed to master at lussumo/Garden" it makes me happy
  • Any resolution for the new year here?
  • Hey guys, cmon... I've tried beta, looks pretty cool, but when is rc? it's 2010...
  • I hear next year is 2011!
  • I tried found it good and was eager to use it but no word on the final version forced me to leave vanilla

    My guess, with venture capitalist backing, all focus now seems to be on vanillaforums.com adding features there and launching a premium service to earn $$ nothing wrong just that focus seems to move away from the opensource script
  • @sagar I don't know where you got that idea from. As far as I know, vanillaforums.com lags behind the version on GitHub, not ahead of it. If you require a stable version immediately, why were you on a pre-beta in the first place? Have a little patience; it's just Mark and Todd coding the core stuff. :)
  • PinocchioPinocchio New
    edited January 2010
    Looking at this page http://github.com/lussumo/Garden/commits/master/ seems like you guys are creating a new CSS framework.
  • I don't quite see the big deal. I started working with Vanilla 1 to integrate an existing forums to an existing user database. Then I saw Vanilla 2, and liked that it was structured more like an MVC and single-sign-on could be done much more easily. And the templates weren't completely integrated with code.

    Needless to say, editing the templates to create a custom look was a bitch, still, and I've had to rewrite significant portions to support single-sign-on with our user database, and cover menial bugs (i.e., discussions count isn't updated when you delete a post?) ... but it's completely do-able. Of course, if we ever wanted to upgrade Vanilla 2 when it comes out, it's going to be a complete overhaul, again. But we're confident enough we can maintain it from where it is. (But it was extremely difficult to work with in many cases).

    Maybe the overhaul process will be much easier when these new CSS frameworks and template frameworks (i.e., HTML should NOT live with PHP, I was tempted to switch everything to Smarty, but it seemed like a bigger headache to do that, since a lot of what happens in Garden is magic). We'll have to say. I couldn't wait for Vanilla 2 to "officially release," since I used a build from August to do what we're doing right now ... and I thought it'd be release soon. Never happened. If I actually waited, we'd never have been done with this, and we're releasing our forums now.

    But, hey, better than modding phpBB to look a lot less complex, right?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    It's good to "cover menial bugs" but it would have been better to have had those corrections reverted to vanilla2. As the bug that you mentionned was only corrected months later.
  • Make sure you all twitter when it's released, I would like to see Vanilla go mainstream.
  • i was just wondering if it still worth waiting for that release :(

  • Still no news.. ?
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