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Page Manager



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    I just updated PageManager and now I'm getting the following error messages at the top of the page:
    _LOC); for($i = 0; $i < count($links); $i++) $Panel->AddListItem( $Context->GetDefinition('PageLinks'), $PageMng->Tabs[$links[$i]]['tab'], ($Configuration['URL_BUILDING_METHOD'] == 'mod_rewrite' ? ($Configuration['BASE_URL'].'page/'.$PageMng->Tabs[$links[$i]]['page']) : ($Configuration['BASE_URL'].'?Page='.$PageMng->Tabs[$links[$i]]['page'])) ); } } } ?>
    The Tabs still seem to work, though. (They're all still there in any case.)

    Any idea?

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    fery, a link to your forum and/or list of other installed extensions would probably be quite handy if you want people to try and help ;)
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    better late than never :D

    well does'nt work also with (all) disabled extensions :(.
    probably not crossbrowser compatible?

    thanks mang
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    drag'n'drop does work for me, I'd say it's an extension/configuration problem!

    amd pc

    vanilla 1.1.4

    page manager 2.5.2

    tested in following browsers :
    safari 3.03beta
    opera 9.24
    firefox 1.5, 2 & 3
    ie 5.5, 6 & 7 (yes it works in IE5.5...)

    This is also with a load of other extensions installed.

    Interestingly enough, Page Manager tabs don't show up on the Pimped extension page - is this an issue with the way the Pimped extension creates its page? If so is there some guidance somewhere as to how to create pages but still have the Page Manager tabs show up?
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    I'll add Safari 3 (non-beta) under Leopard to the list of tested browsers.
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    ah, got it
    it was necessary to de- and re-activate the pagemng. extension :D

    thanks anyways for your time guys
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    No problem. Just remember, the more information you give us, the faster (and more inclined) we can help. The single most important bit of info that you can give us is almost always the forum URL. Glad it's functional for you again.
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    To give you more information that might help with my problem: Forum url: Version: 1.14 Installed Extensions: Applicant Discovery 1.2 Atom Feed 1.0.1 BBInsertBar 0.1.5 Better BB Code 1.0 Category Jumper 1.0 CategoryRoles 0.6 Comments Permalinks 1.0 Custom Styles 2.1 Dice Roller 0.5 Extended Application Form 1.0 Extended Text Formatter 1.2 GuestSignIn 1.2 Guest Welcome Message 3.0 Html Formatter 2.3 LatestBlogged 0.1.0 Markdown 1.1.2 MassMailer 1.0 Members Page 1.2.1 New Applicants 1.3 PFC 0.9.1 Page Manager 2.5.1 Preview Post 2.5.2 Private Accounts 1.0 Quick Whisper 1.0 Quotations 1.6 Smooth Page Jump 1.0 Whisper Notification 0.1 Who's Online 1.2 It's also using the german translation. The issue appeared after installing the updated version of PageManager and the DiceRoller. It also disappears when deactivating PageManager. So, ehm, help? ^_^
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    I think you need to remove the PageMgr configuration file (can't remember its name) and try again.

    The same thing happened to me when I stupidly replaced the old version with the new version without first de-activating it.

    Luckily I had kept a backup of the configuration file because a lot of work went into my Page Manager pages.
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    Maybe CustomPages.php? Well, I'll try and see... EDIT: Ok, that lost me my custom tabs but the error's still there.
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    I'm suprised nobody has any idea where my problem could come from... Alternatively, has anybody a download of the earlier PageManager version (ie. 2.5.1), because I figure I'd just downgrade it again. (Because I never had problems with the earlier version.)
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    my best guess is that somehow your default.php is corrupted; that 'error' you're seeing is actually code from default.php. try re-uploading it and/or verifying that the contents are completely correct.
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    Huh, seems you were right. After I uploaded default.php again it solved the issue. Wierd. Thank you! ^_^
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    i've been having a problem adding a tab/page to my vanilla using this extension. i hit save and it refreshes the page, but nothing happens and nothing gets added. i'm using vanilla 1.1.3 with page manager 2.5.2.
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    This is a great addon and I have a suggestion. For Discussions, Categories pages etc. the <body> tag is given an ID. eg. <body id="CategoryPage" > but there's no facility to give an id to custom pages. It would be great if there was a new field in the Page Management options for "Body ID" where we could include that. Then I could add custom css to render my custom pages. I know I could add unique class/id selectors to body elements but it would be more elegant to use selectors like: #CustomPage .bottom #CustomPage .ContentInfo h1 etc. I don't know enough about the Vanilla framework yet, digging into how to hack this in myself. :)
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    Be careful with core hacks mate.
    I've done a heap of hacks to the core, now I have to find some free time to update to 1.1.4 and re-do and re-test all the hacks!
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    heh, thanks for the warning. :) I guess I was unclear, I wasn't intending to hack the core, just the addon. I'd rather work with Vanilla's excellent extensibility than messing with internals. I want to ensure potential upgrades aren't borked.
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    There is a facility to add a custom ID--but yah, I don't believe it's built into Page Manager:if (($Context->SelfUrl == 'extension.php') && (ForceIncomingString('PostBackAction', '') == 'CustomPage')) { $Head->BodyID = 'CustomPage'; // Your custom page code goes here }
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    WallPhone, I'm not sure what to do with that code. I tried putting it in the PageHTML field and it did not work.

    After some digging and experimentation, here's what I did to make the body ID I want. In the default.php file for Page Manager, after this line:
    $Context->PageTitle = $PageMng->Tabs[$PageMng->CurPage]['tab'];
    I inserted the following line:
    $Context->BodyAttributes = "id=\"".$PageMng->Tabs[$PageMng->CurPage]['tab']."Page\"";
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    I'll add this in tomorrow...

    @outbreak: erm, not sure what oculd be happening. are you using a browser or vanilla setup that might affect it somehow?
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