Issue Tracker

edited July 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Issue Tracker


  • wooooot
  • how do I assign a user to an issue? clicking on the image with no user assign does nothing.. and arent you gonna send with it that sweet theme you had applied on your screenshot?
  • You need to download and install the new Scriptaculous javascript files, else the user assign thingy doesn't work. Clear your browser cache if it still doesn't work. And yes, the theme is the next thing I will release :)
  • Brilliant! The problem I've always had with issue trackers is that the interface is too unfamiliar to users so they don't use it. Now, here's one that looks and operates just like the forum they are already accustomed to. I will be using this!

    I'm using LDAP for auth on our forum, so users wouldn't need new accounts just for issue tracking, but for those forums using Vanilla's built-in authenticator, it would seem useful to be able to somehow configure this to use an existing Vanilla user database table.
  • ok. I just put them in the JS folder in Issuetracker. I assumed you auto included them. maybe you can add these lines as default? if ($Head) $Head->AddScript('extensions/IssueTracker/js/lib/prototype.js'); if ($Head) $Head->AddScript('extensions/IssueTracker/js/src/scriptaculous.js');
    Great stuff btw :) Looking forward to that theme!
  • i agree with Chris Miller
  • Mark, r u going to add this for addons issue tracking
    Jazzsman, Isn't the correct language definitions are of this format
    $Context->SetDefinition('CodeWord', 'This is my customized text!');

    I like how u have seperated ur classes and settings.
    All extension developers should do it this way
  • I'm using $Context->Dictionary['blabla'] because else it didn't overwrite the default dictionary. It works for addons I guess, but not for the core language file..?
  • check the Issue Tracker's Issue Tracker Jazzman :)
  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in default.php on line 66
  • Ok. GREAT fricken idea. I can definitely see me using this in the future especially for our tech support needs. What I'd like to see in the future, however, is a way to integrate this into a current vanilla install, and maybe use this only for certain categories. That way we can use one forum for all of our needs, rather then two (one for regular discussions, one for issue discussions).
  • I cant figure out how to assign an issue to someone. Am I missing something? The classifications, can you add more is there a setting to add/edit them?
  • you should scroll up. I allready asked and got answer
  • I didn't see that, but I did that. Wasn't sure which JS folder he was referring to so I tried them both (vanillas and the extensions). But it still is not working for me.
    Ahh, I had to take the JS files from the new scriptaculous version and replace all the vanilla JS files in the /vanilla/js folder. Then it worked.

    So for anyone else that this issue and just couldn't "read between he lines":
    1. Download the new scriptaculous
    2. Extract all the files from /lib, and all the files from /src
    3. Place all those files in your /vanilla/js folder, overwriting the old ones (make a backup first!!)
    4. Refresh your site, and assigning to a user should now work.

    You guys had said what to do, but had not said what to do. Took me a minute to figure it out.
  • @MySchizoBuddy:

    Remove the ampersand on line 66
    &$Discussion->Issue = $Discussion->Context->ObjectFactory->NewObject(&$Discussion->Context, 'Issue'); to
    $Discussion->Issue = $Discussion->Context->ObjectFactory->NewObject(&$Discussion->Context, 'Issue');

    That should get rid of the error.
  • Jazzy? Any progress? How about that theme? :)
  • Man I can't wait to get this installed and check it out...
  • @Mini, u better get going. posting comments will only slow u down.
  • Version number changed from 0.1 to 0.2.
  • Uploaded version 0.2 of Issue Tracker.
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