I've deleted all cookies several times and tried various things, like changing the cookies path and stuff like that. The "can't list all issues" bug still occurs for me. I even tried on Jazzman's tracker at http://www.krijtenberg.nl/issues, and well, it happens here too. It doesn't seem to be a browser problem since I encountered this bug both in IE and FF. Any idea? Does someone still have this problem or am I the only one?
I have two issues :
1. i can't get the sorting to work at all (and it doesn't seem to work on Jazzman website either.
2. i would love to be able to add a filter to do a "NOT display" of a given status...like "Not Resolved" so everything that is not resolved is display. (on hold + open, or more if you have added customs one) anyone has an idea on how to add this functionality ?
I still have that problem with the sorting and "list all issues" bug. it happens on the issue tracker site for me as well. I have to close out my browser and re-open the site.
I also tried on different computers, and even in Opera, and it's still happening.
I'm currently working on a version of my Europe after the Rain style for the Tabled theme and Issue Tracker. I noticed several things that need to be fixed in the process (missing dictionary entries and stuff like that).
The problem is Mark and Jazzman are probably as incredibly busy as usual
Looks like there's a compatibility problem with Preview Post. I get this error when trying to preview something: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in ../extensions/IssueTracker/library/Control.IssueForm.php on line 75
The preview still works, but the styling is all messed up by the error.
Ø, just post any fixes you find in this thread and then when Jazzman is available he can integrate them into the extension. If nothing else, perhaps you could make the changes, package them up and post the package here with a changelog so others can test it - then if everyone thinks it's fine, maybe an addon admin can update the extension...
I wish I could, but there's not much stuff I can actually fix since my PHP skills are very limited. Here are the two missing dictionary definitions I found:
I noticed there are many things that can't be translated with the dictionary method, but I guess there are good reasons for that. Dunno if it can be improved or not, especially when it comes to javascript files. Anyway, if someone is interested, I can package a fully translated french version.
Which reminds me we talked about multilingual support here at the community forum a few months ago... That would be really nice.
I'd like to add to the classifications on my installation. Maybe I'm missing something really obvious, if so please smite me for dumbness but I can't find config.php for this extension.
From the description:
- 3 New fields: Status, Priority and Classification (can be modified in config.php)
okey dokey,
I figured out that classifications array can be modded in settings.php not config.php. I know I'm n00bish and all, but can I request you change teh reference in the documentation to help future lusers get it quick?
I've been trying to get the answer to the same question in another thread here.
It seems that Mark has achieved this through his 1.1.3 bug tracker, but I can't figure out how he did it. I've been left with the option of manually copying over the User table to the issue Tracker tables.
To be honest i'm not 100% sure how he's done it either. The role permissions settings on each site are different - I assume they're 2 seperate installations of vanilla and he's merely pointed them both to the same user table using the configuration key. Everything else is kept seperate.
I still have that problem with the sorting and "list all issues" bug. it happens on the issue tracker site for me as well. I have to close out my browser and re-open the site.
I'm currently working on a version of my Europe after the Rain style for the Tabled theme and Issue Tracker. I noticed several things that need to be fixed in the process (missing dictionary entries and stuff like that).
The problem is Mark and Jazzman are probably as incredibly busy as usual
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in ../extensions/IssueTracker/library/Control.IssueForm.php on line 75
The preview still works, but the styling is all messed up by the error.
$Context->SetDefinition('Update', 'your translation here');
$Context->SetDefinition('AssignedToUserRole', 'your translation here');
I noticed there are many things that can't be translated with the dictionary method, but I guess there are good reasons for that. Dunno if it can be improved or not, especially when it comes to javascript files. Anyway, if someone is interested, I can package a fully translated french version.
Which reminds me we talked about multilingual support here at the community forum a few months ago... That would be really nice.
How can I setup the issuetracker side by side with a working vanilla forum, using the same login and the same user database?
Tiggr (aka Marcus)
I've been trying to get the answer to the same question in another thread here.
It seems that Mark has achieved this through his 1.1.3 bug tracker, but I can't figure out how he did it. I've been left with the option of manually copying over the User table to the issue Tracker tables.
Works for me, but I would like to share roles too, not only users...
And I still have to login in twice! :-(
Tried deleting cookies too, but with no luck.
[edit: ok found it here: http://www.krijtenberg.nl/issues/comments.php?DiscussionID=46&page=1#Item_0]
Is there a way you can block some users from viewing comments, so that they can only view the top comment, the issue starter?
And then, for users who can view the comments and post comments an option on "post comment" for "all" or "users with permission" would then be great.
I know there is a whisper feature which does something similar, can you whisper to a group of people?
[edit: found it, I had no uploads folder