


  • cre8d: Version 0.7b should fix this problem.
  • Uploaded version 0.7 Beta of UserAward.
  • Thanks - I am getting other errors now such as:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in [....]/extensions/UserAward/default.php on line 67
    Notice: Undefined index: 2 in [....]/extensions/UserAward/default.php on line 564
  • cre8d Sorry just noticed that when I uploaded 0.7b a few files were missing which caused your errors.
    Please download the latest set of files.
  • Uploaded version 0.7 Beta of UserAward.
  • Uploaded version 0.7.1 Beta of UserAward.
  • Thanks so much, all is working now :)
  • it is not working now, if the users can edit an award or remove an award etc. there is no problem but if i uncheck this points i have this error, only the admins can see the account page, in other ways users can not see the account pages, if they can not change award things Notice: Undefined variable: AccountUserID in public_html/forum/extensions/UserAward/default.php on line 507
  • I have the same problem as legioner. Any help yet?
  • Me, too! -> Notice: Undefined variable: AccountUserID in /var/www/web636/html/vanilla/extensions/UserAward/default.php on line 507
  • i fixed the undefined AccountUserID issue by moving "$AccountUserID = ForceIncomingInt('u', $Context->Session->UserID);" outside the if(){} block it's in
  • Sorry folks, not been on the board for some time, too busy with work I get paid for ;) and I'm just about to go on holiday for a week :)

    Will take a look at the problem and upload a fix when I get back next weekend.
  • Uploaded version 0.8 Beta of UserAward.
  • works well for me .. but the hide function doesn't seem to work. any ideas? maybe if i could disable the notification or put them in an iframe. they start to stack up.
  • i fixed the problem by removing //Display notice on discussion and categories pages from /UserAward/default.php
  • small bug where the options settings link is put in a category called ExtensionOptions all by itself. To fix this just add a space between the words on line 1014 of default.php like this: $ExtensionOptions = $Context->GetDefinition('Extension Options');
  • Been having the same problem with (some) users not being able to remove notification of award, just FYI to mightymango.
  • FIX NEEDED! Hi together... i got the same problem of not removing award notification messages on users who got one! If they press HIDE nothing happens ... Hint! If a user clicks on "Hide" he is producing an error: Server Logg says: File does not exist: /whatever/extensions/UserAward/functions.js Maybe this helps to fix the problem - waiting for an update because the users are annoyed by not getting rid of the award notifications. until then i gonna do same as wetcircle said :) thanks!
  • Have you checked that that file exists?
  • anyway to change every word in this to gift
    and make it userGift?
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