


  • I'm off on holiday for the next two weeks.
    I'll do a version of UserGifts when I get back.
  • oh sweetness that is soo awesome i wanted my members to give each other gifts and stuff but i thought it was kinda weird for them to award one another for this userGifts, can you make it so that the gifts do not show up next to the users name, only on their account page and maybe the user can decide if he or she wants his gists to be public of private (you don't have to do that)(but try to make it slightly different than user awards...pretty please) anyway awesomely thanks
  • Thanks again for the flurry of updates, mightymango.
  • @stavthewonderchicken - thanks, no problems :)

    UserAwards were only ever meant to be awarded by administrators not members.

    Already decided that gifts would only appear on the 'account' page with a notification when a member signs in.
    Only real problem I can see is getting some good graphics for the gifts.
  • @mightymanga- yeah i realize that it was meant for admin awarding.. but i thought of trying to use it for gift giving...
  • "yeah i realize that it was meant for admin awarding.. but i thought of trying to use it for gift giving..."
    For real, it's gonna be cool to modify ready UserAwards into UserGifts to make 2 different addons. The first will be available only for admins, the second for average users also.
  • Uploaded version 1.0.2 of UserAward.
  • Beta version of UserGifts is now available.

    Away for a few days, please leave comments, suggestions, bugs etc. and I'll fix any problems when I get back.
  • mightymango, I'm sorry if my comments came over so unkindly, this was not my intention. I am very grateful for your work, I have daily work as well and so I understand your position. It is great that you are continuously improving your extension(s).
  • Double M!

    This extension is fantastic. I found a minor bug.

    When you Add an Award, if you forget to populate the notes, a message comes up telling you that. However, at that moment, the person receiving the award switches from whomever you selected to yourself.

    1. Bryan gives award to Garrett
    2. Bryan forgets to populate notes, gets warning message (you can see at this point the user has switched)
    3. Bryan enters notes, award is added to Bryan

    I had two suggestions, one which I mentioned before (I'm waiting for the day that I can hack it, or you figure out how to do it) :)
    1. When you display the Award Icons, wrap it in a tag with a title parameter set to the notes or the name of the award
    2. Show all awards in the Comments, rather than just one of the awards

    Thanks for considering
  • Thanks for your bug report.
    I'll try and post a fix next week and also take a look at your suggestions.
  • Uploaded version 1.0.3 of UserAward.
  • @bmw:

    I've fixed the problem you were having.
    Like your idea of adding a 'title' tag to the award. I'll try and include it in the next update.
    Showing more than one award on the 'Comments' page will need a fair bit of a rewrite. I know it needs doing, I'll try to get it done as soon as possible.
  • I already translated to portuguese, there is the link for download:
  • Danke double-M!

    I'll be watching. One of these days I have to learn Object Oriented PHP myself...
  • Uploaded version 1.1 of UserAward.
  • Thank you double-M!

    I get this error, however when I updated to 1.1:

    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 50

    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 50

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 51

    I believe the problem is that line 50 reads:

    $result = mysql_query("SHOW columns FROM ".$Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."UserAward like 'SortOrder'");

    But it should read:
    $result = mysql_query("SHOW columns FROM ".$Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."UserAward like 'SortOrder'", $Context->Database->Connection);

    Once I did this, I no longer get the errors.
  • Thanks for the feedback. Not sure what went wrong with that line (it worked when I tested it on my system). Oh well!

    Just noticed a slight problem with the order of awards. I'll try and get this fixed as soon as possible.
  • Arg! Sorry, my request broke the extension. :)

    Bug I think was introduced in 1.1
    When I have any Awards with an ID > 1, the following error appears for each comment.

    Notice: Undefined index: 2 in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 112
    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 113
    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/.batzi/cbabas/ on line 114

    If the Award ID is 3, then it will say "Notice: Undefined index: 3"

    Bug I may have been introduced in a prior version
    I also got this on the back end:
    $Context->UserAwardAwards = array (
    'ID' =>
    array (
    1 => 2,
    2 => 2,

    3 => 3,
    'Title' =>
    array (
    1 => '1998 CBA Champion',
    2 => '1998 FL Champion',
    3 => '1998 UL Champion',
    'Icon' =>
    array (
    1 => '1.gif',
    2 => '2.gif',
    3 => '3.gif',

    I think I achieved that by:
    1. Deleting all my current Icons until there was one left.
    2. Adding a new Icon (which must have then had an ID of 2)
    3. Deleting the last remaining original Icon (1)
    4. Adding more new icons, which then gave them the ids of 2 and 3 (for the end result of 2, 2, 3)
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