


  • hey hamed, you are right, my fault ;) sorry
  • it is all cool no worries ^_^
  • Mr Mango,
    I was hoping to use this Extension for my baseball site, and have an award for each championship year.

    However, when you go to the Comments page only one award seems to show next to the persons name. Can you make an option that would show all the awards, in succession, attributed to a user?

    For example:

    BMW won the Championship in 2003 and 2004.
    Currently it looks like:
    BMW [2004]
    I'd like it to look like:
    BMW [2003] [2004]

  • At the moment only the latest or highest award appears on the 'Comments' page. All awards appear on the 'Account' page.

    This is a 'design' issue I know about and I'll take a look at it when I get a bit of free time.
  • There are two bugs with translations I'd like you to fix. At line 1018 there's a typo. $ExtensionOptions = $Context->GetDefinition('Extension Options'); must be $ExtensionOptions = $Context->GetDefinition('ExtensionOptions'); Also line 774 is <a class="SortEdit" href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=UserAward&type=edit&id=').$this->Context->UserAwardAwards['ID'][$i].'">Edit</a>'; but must be <a class="SortEdit" href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=UserAward&type=edit&id=').$this->Context->UserAwardAwards['ID'][$i].'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardEdit').'</a>';
  • If you can work that into the design, I will be able to unveil it on my site. Danke!
  • Based on eugen's suggestion I have replaced line 573 with the following: $UserLink = '<a href="'. GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'account.php', '', '', '', '', 'u='.$Row['AwardedBy']).'">'. $UserAwardNotice->UserAwardGetAwardedBy($Row['AwardedBy']).'</a>'; $NoticeCollector->AddNotice('<span><a href="./" '. 'id="RemoveMessage'.$Row['AwardID'].'" '. 'onclick="RemoveAwardMessage(\''.$Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']. 'extensions/UserAward/ajax/remove.php\', \''.$Row['AwardID'].'\', \'RemoveMessage'. $Row['AwardID'].'\'); return false;">'. $Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardHide').'</a></span><img '. 'src="extensions/UserAward/icons/'.$Context->UserAwardAwards['Icon'][$Row['Award']]. '?now'.time().'" /> <b>'.$Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardCongrats'). '</b> '.str_replace('//1', $UserLink, $Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardNotice1')). '<br><i>"'.$Row['Notes'].'"</i><br>'.$Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardNotice2')); Then the following definitions need to be added to conf/language.php: $Context->SetDefinition('UserAwardCongrats', 'Congratulations!'); $Context->SetDefinition('UserAwardNotice1', 'You have been awarded by //1 for the following reason:'); $Context->SetDefinition('UserAwardNotice2', 'Please take a look at your <a href="account.php">account page</a> to view your history of awards.');
  • One more little bug is the use of GetDefinition("UserExtensions") which is probably supposed to be GetDefinition('ExtensionOptions').
  • Uploaded version 1.0 of UserAward.
  • Hi mighty! great work ... but is there any detailed changelog? So everyone knows exactly what has changed or fixed to decide if its necessary to update? I did some changes on 0.9 on my own and if i update now i am in trouble :P
  • The default.php file lists all changes (not in any great detail though). If you let me know what changes you have made I can point you in the right direction :)
  • Great news, thanks for working on this! Personally I don't like the layout of the notification. I find there should be a line break between the AwardNotice message and the reason and also I don't really like how the AwardListNotice is a separate paragraph/ box now. Maybe you can add some trick so this can be changed in the theme in a future version?
  • Sorry but I'm afraid I didn't like your layout either. Nothing lined up (because of the icon) and I felt it was a bit untidy.
    The reason for putting the AwardListNotice in a box of it's own is that it is unnecessary to have that information repeated if you have more than one award and it also clutters up the award notice.

    It is already possible to change the layout without using a theme. If you would like to use your layout just put the following in your 'myforum/conf/language.php' file:

    $Context->SetDefinition('UserAwardNotice', 'An award has been made to you by {awardedby} with the following message: <br/><i>{awardnotes}</i><br/>Please take a look at your <a href="account.php">account page</a> to view your history of awards.'); $Context->SetDefinition('UserAwardListNotice', '');

    You will need to install version 1.0.1 to remove the separate 'UserAwardListNotice'.
  • Uploaded version 1.0.1 of UserAward.
  • I did already suspect you don't like my layout since you made it differently. That's just why I asked for a theme trick. :) Now well, actually I find it extremely awkward to hack the layout into the language. This is not an advantage but a disadvantage. I mean, what if I have two themes and two languages. Should I decide per language what style of notification users see? So what I mean is, if you could mark the notification up nicely so it is changeable via a style definition, that would be really great.
  • How about a word of thanks now and again rather than just criticism?

    I think the language.php method is fine (if not perfect and perhaps a temporary solution).

    I've provided you with a way of having your layout but at the same time being able to have my own layout.

    I'm sorry if this sounds a bit short but I get a bit hacked off with providing my work to people free of charge for them to then continually complain about the way I have done things.

    I'm not saying that your idea of using the 'theme trick' is not a good one it's just that due to pressure of work I don't have time to implement it just now.
  • Hey mightmango, why not just give the whinger his money back in full?
  • I am glad you have made this it has increased members on board. We started a forum at the begining of the month and we have 25 users and over 800 posts and they all like the awards. So i would like to say thank you for you wonderful job. The only problem that i heard from the users is that all the awards are in the front page. And none of them will hide. Thanks again for making this so wonderful.
  • Thanks ogmaster :)

    There was a problem with awards not been hidden because there was a file missing. This should now be fixed. Just try using the latest version 1.0.1.

    If this does not fix things please let me know.
  • hey
    umm how would i edit this to make it UserGifts?
    i think that might be kinda cool
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